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Play. Play. Play. 

Over and over. 

Never turning to passion but a boring, repetitive motion. 





Follow the tempo. 

Follow the notes. 

Press the right keys and everything and everyone will be okay. 


I hope so. 

Now with years behind me, whenever someone asks me about my future possibilities, the moon shimmers brightly behind the dusk light, full of hope. I’m forced to turn away. 

The stars have lost their radiance, but I have made my own. I have collected the remnants of stardust and stored them away for another storm. Another endless night, Another moment I wish I didn’t have to endure.

But I will stand. 

I will stand through it all

I am no stranger to laughter and mockery. I knew a long time ago they would sneer and snicker when I brought up my new dream. 

Their voices right through my memory, bodies bent over like trees in a storm. I must have said something funny, something they found to be a joke. 

“You? You want to become an idol?” 

“You want to dance like a trained monkey in front of thousands upon thousands of people?” 

“Do you want to make a fool out of yourself?”

“Don’t you want respect?” 

“You don’t have what it takes.”

“No one will like you.” 

“Don’t you have some decency? No one will ever take you seriously.” 

Excuse after excuse. 

Doubt after doubt. 

Trying to pull me down. Trying to tear me down from my new found dream. 

But they won’t succeed this time. This time, there will be no more chains holding me back from what I’m passionate for. I will fight! 

And I will win. 

I will rise from my prison cell. I will let my wings expand and take the morning breeze. My feet won’t touch the ground any longer. 

I will be where I’m meant to be. 

From minutes to hours, hours to days, days to months, the auditions finally come into view. 

I link arms with my friend who has been with me through thick and thin. 

Mi Sun. 

“Don’t worry, Soon-ah. Whatever happens after today, won’t change me.” 

I believed her.

To my surprise, she held onto her promise. Nothing changed. 

Mi Sun got calls from all the agencies we attended, together. She was the one who was constantly pushing and supporting me throughout this entire process. 

I should have realized it sooner. I should have seen it coming. I knew she was going to be chosen out of everyone here. 

Mi Sun glowed. She was breathtaking. She had everything an idol needed. The looks, the dancing capability, the singing, the heart and soul, the charm and charisma anyone could fall for. She could have people swooning over her in mere moments. She had everything. 

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