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When ever I went through a major life change,
Sort of like this one
But better
My grandma would tell me
"This is a chance to further your ministry."
Yeah, I know you probably don't take me for the religious type.
I'm not a very good Christian.
I rarely read my bible daily.
Sometimes I turn my face to the heavens
And curse God out with tears in my eyes
Asking Them "Why?!"
And I've asked Them so many times
I've learned sometimes it's better to not know.
But maybe my ministry is
Bad memes
Edited on Snapchat
And poetry
About the most personal things
For whoever decides to find it.
I never really know how God uses quiet Christians like me.
I'm not on a street corner proclaiming my faith.
I have served soup at the kitchen,
I'm too close to being on the other side of the line.
A little stuck
In a situation that's not as bad as it could be.
And I don't know how God will use me
To help the world,
To help a handful of people, even.
But here I am.
Unemployed, with a pile of unfinished manuscripts,
And a fridge full of beer.

A Year In PoetryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin