Like A Hug

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The walls of my home are closing in on me
Like a hug.
They promise me warmth and safety
As long as I never leave.
Why would I want to anyway?
The plague is closing in on my people.

But I listened to one of the the old songs today
And it reminded me of my life under the sky
Where I used to sneak into bars for the music.
I never drank.
[Anything but water]
I was there for the music.
And suddenly I want to do my laundry in the river again.

I was free once.
I am free now.
I just have less ideas of what to do with it.
And I can't go anywhere.
The risks are too great.
I am secure here.
I have new needs than I did when I was young.
I can't even go to a bar without drinking now.

Life is beautiful.
Only look back with fondness.
But never let it stop you from moving forward.
Sometimes forward is right where you stand
With the walls of your house closing in on you
Like a hug.

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