Another Ending

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Harry P.O.V.

He’s constantly pulling away from me. Every advance I make to try and get him to let me in fails. He’s completely closing up to me and I have no idea why. Everything is great isn’t it? Well at least I thought it was. Maybe I tricked myself into believing the fantasy because it’s what I wanted. Maybe Niall doesn’t actually want this at all, maybe he’s just doing this because it’s convenient for him and it makes him forget about Liam.

But why is it that I come home from spending a day with Louis to find Niall curled into a tight ball on our bed crying his eyes out, only to find out that Liam was the cause?

“Niall, tell me what happened,” I told him, placing my hands on his face, making him meet my eyes. His crystal blue eyes were glassy with fresh tears, the skin puffy from the ones that had already been shed.

“I-I’m sorry, Harry. Ca-can you forgive me? I didn’t know what was happening, I-I didn’t mean to. It’s not my fault. I’m sorry,” he wailed, pushing his head into my chest. His arms wrapped tightly around my back, holding me to him.

“Niall, what are you talking about?” I asked, confused.

“L-Liam came over, he said he wanted to watch a movie and he had food. Wanted to k-keep me company because you were spending the day with Louis. I didn’t know what to do, I let him in. He kissed me, Harry. And, and I kissed him back and it would have gone further,” he paused, lifting his head and looking up at me, “but you stopped me, Harry. You always stop me.”

I tensed. What did he mean always? He wrapped his arms tighter around me, as if he was afraid I was going to get up and run away. Maybe I was considering it.

“What do you mean I always stop you? Has this happened before?”

“It happened once before, the other day when I went to get food; he followed me, stopped me in the middle of the street and pronounced his love for me. He kissed me before I could stop him, but I kissed him back then as well. I came to my senses and pushed him away, I ran straight back to you, it didn’t mean anything, I swear,” his eyes pleaded me to understand.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I was afraid of how you would react. But Liam threatened to tell you everything, so I wanted you to hear the truth from me, before he twisted it and made me look like the bad guy. Harry please tell me what you’re thinking,”

“I’m thinking that you should have told me when this first happened,” I looked down at him sadly, “I mean we all know that Liam has convinced himself that he is in love with you. And we all know that no matter what you say or how you act, you love him to. But I understand that there is nothing that you can do about that, that’s just first love I guess. I’m not angry at you, Niall, I promise. I’m angry with Liam for trying to come between us after he told me that he would back off.”

“I’m really sorry, Harry,” he said, laying his head against my chest.

“It’s alright, Niall. You’re with me, and I understand, that’s all that matters,” as I said the words I couldn’t help but think; but for how long, before something pulls us apart?


Niall P.O.V.

I don’t know what it is, but once again I have found myself in almost the exact same position I was in only a few weeks ago, when I thought Liam and I were happy together. I constantly find myself longing for him, for his touch, his smile, his smell, and his lips on mine. I’m constantly reminding myself that I can’t go there, because I’m with Harry, because we’re happy. I wouldn’t ever dream of doing something to hurt Harry, not on purpose anyway. But I can’t deny these feelings that I’m having for Liam. I can’t deny that there is still something there between us. But I thought that I owe it to myself, to Harry and to Liam to get some closure on this situation that has been going on for far too long. And maybe that’s why I ended up at Liam’ apartment, standing outside his front door fighting with myself as to whether I should or shouldn’t knock.

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