Did This Just Happen?

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Niall P.O.V

Due to a screw up with the concert tickets, some of our shows had been over booked, as a result of this we have been told that we have another two shows to do in Melbourne. Because arenas are so in demand we are forced to stay in Melbourne for another week, to do a show on Monday and another one on Thursday, before flying over to Perth. The only problem was we had jammed most, if not all, of the exciting activities we could do in Melbourne into one day, and now the only options are to a) walk around aimlessly and get mobbed by fans or b) stay in the hotel and watch movies. Thinking long and hard about this I chose the latter, not at all in the mood to be swarmed by fans.

I made my way to Harry’s room to see what they had planned.

“Luna Park!” I heard Harry shout through the door. I knocked on the door and turned the handle, to find Harry, Louis and Zayn huddled around the small coffee table with brochures for Luna Park, and what I think are tram timetables.

“Why don’t you guys just get someone to drive you there? It’s a lot quicker and you won’t get mobbed,” I asked them, confused.

“We want the real Melbourne experience, trams and all. And we’ve already cleared it with Paul; he just said we have to be careful.” Louis replied, excitedly.

“Did he really?” I was not convinced.

“Nah, but whatever. You’ll cover for us, right?” Louis asked, trying his best to bat his eyes at me.

“And what do you suppose I tell him you’re doing?” I asked him, sceptical.

“I don’t know. But you’re a smart guy, I’m sure you’ll figure something out.” And with that, they were out of their chairs and walking past me to the door. I ran to the door sticking my head out. “What about Liam? Is he going with you?” I shouted down the corridor.

“Nah, we don’t have a clue where he is, he was gone when we got up. You’ll find out and let us know, yeah?” Zayn shouted back, as they rounded the corner and disappeared.

I walked back over to my room and slumped down on the couch. Turning the TV on revealed a re-run of Friends. I left it on and went to my kitchen to make breakfast. Just as I was pouring the milk into my cereal, there was a hesitant knock on the door. Leaving my cereal behind, I opened it revealing Liam.

“Oh, hey Liam.” I said, unemotionally as I turned away inviting him to come in. He stepped inside and shut the door behind him. “Tea? Coffee?” I offered him, he finally looked at me.

“Ah, Niall. Can we talk?” He asked me. I had already come to the conclusion that something was up, his body language this morning told me that. But I had known before then, and maybe I just hadn’t wanted to admit it to myself. But deep down I knew.

“Well, if that’s what you came over for then fine. But Liam, I’m fine, thanks for asking, by the way. And it’s good to see you too.” I said, letting him know that I’m annoyed.

“Look I heard the other boys leave and I thought I should probably come over and talk to you, settle some things,” I noticed he was quite distant, never looking at me for more than a few seconds at one time. I stared right at him, and I hope it was making him uncomfortable, because I’m sick of him acting like this. “I can’t be with you anymore.”

“What?” I’m not sure if I heard that right.

“Niall, I can’t be with you anymore.” He said, looking me right in the eye. I was at a complete loss for words. Not in a million years did I think he would say that. “And I can’t explain why, we just, whatever this is, it’s stopping now. And nothing you do will change my mind.” He stood up to leave, when I finally found my voice. And I don’t know what came over me, but I started to scream at him. He looked like he certainly wasn’t expecting this reaction from me.

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