Over Analysing

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Niall P.O.V

I am lounging around on my couch in front of the tv I was paying no attention to, just waiting for Liam to call when I heard whistling coming from the hallway, a tune that until a few hours ago only I knew. The song I wrote for Liam. The song I had played for him only four hours ago, before he ran out of my room with a lame excuse.

I crept over to my room door and opened it slightly, ready to interrogate Liam for leaving me like he did. But as I looked out the crack in the door, all I saw was a boy who looked like Liam, but it couldn’t possibly be Liam because this boy was stumbling all over the place, obviously drunk. They walked past my door, not realising I was standing just behind it, and they turned to the door two doors to the right of mine and slot in a card, removing it and stepping into Liam’s room.

What the-? Why has Liam been drinking? He knows its bad for him. Why does he have any reason to drink? We were having such a good time.

I closed the door quietly so I wasn’t heard and walked back to the couch and stared blankly at the TV screen. A million thoughts raced through my head. Why was he drinking? Why did he leave? What did I do wrong? Why did he lie to me? Knowing that I would never be able to formulate a correct answer to any of these questions without talking to Liam, I lie down on the couch and slowly felt myself drifting into unconsciousness, being comforted by the fact that I would see Liam tomorrow and everything would be okay.


Our interview today was an actual TV interview, a good change from the recent string of radio interviews we have been doing since we arrived in Australia. The building of ATV10 (Network Ten) Studios in South Yarra, Melbourne came into view as we made our way towards it in our van. We were told that today we would be doing an interview for some show called The Project. I had researched it a bit this morning while I had breakfast by myself, without Liam. The Project is supposed to be a news show, but is known for having a certain funny edge to it. I thought it sounded like fun it was one thing I was actually looking forward to today.

When we arrived we were quickly led to the dressing rooms at the back of the studio for our outfits and make up, it’s a tiring routine at best. I was becoming annoyed at the fact that Liam was not here with me. I had not had a chance to speak to him about this behaviour the day before and it was eating at me, not letting me forget it.

Finally after two hours of making sure every body’s hair and make up is done, and Louis and Harry hadn’t switched outfits like they had in an interview in Sydney. I still find it strange that no one noticed until it was too late and we were already on stage. But the image of Harry in a striped shirt, braces and bright blue skinny jeans is still priceless. We made our way to studio 2 where we were greeted by a guy, who introduced himself as Charlie, and a big red couch.

“Well it’s nice to finally meet you boys. We’ve all been very excited around here since we heard you were going to be paying us a visit. Especially the girls, what do you make of that Harry?” Charlie said, addressing us all as we found our places on the couch.

I looked over and saw Harry blush as he took his seat on the far end of the couch; I smiled to myself knowing full well that Harry loved the attention. Zayn took his seat next to Harry and Liam was quick to sit down next to him. Seeing my chance I pushed past Louis as he made his way to sit next to Liam and sat down in his spot. In the process I landed half on Liam making him suddenly stiffen up and immediately push me off.

“Hey, that’s my seat!” Louis said, strangely outraged.

“Sorry Lou, this seat is taken. But you can always sit on the end.” I replied, batting my eyelashes at him.

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