Concert Blues

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Liam P.O.V

I couldn’t believe I had done it. I’ve broken up with Niall and I left him behind. Thinking about it now, back in my room, it was cruel to handle it the way that I did. It was cruel to both of us; we had to see each other every day. I had to see the devastated look on Niall’s face, and he got to look at the satisfied look on mine. But it had to be done, sooner rather than later, when he became too attached, and I became too much of a coward to break things off with him. So, my conclusion is that, I did the right thing.
But the problem is that Niall did get too attached, and I hope that this does not come between us, we have a tour to finished and years of band related commitments after that. We have to get along, for the good of the band. I need to talk to Niall, I’ll do it tomorrow. But for now we both need to get some sleep, we have two more shows to do in Melbourne before we leave for Perth.

I was awoken early by somebody shaking me. I threw my hand out to hit them and was only met with empty air. I rolled over and opened my eyes a crack.

“What do you want, Harry?” I asked him annoyed.

“You didn’t set your alarm Liam, we have to go to rehearsals for tonight.” He replied, simply.

“Oh right. Ah, just let me get changed yeah, and I’ll be right with you.” I saw harry nod and walk out of the room, shutting the door firmly behind him.

I swung my legs off the side of the bed, and walked still half asleep to the bathroom. The hot water rushed over my face and down my body. I felt weird. I washed my hair quickly and stepped out of the shower. I got dressed and met the rest of the boys and Paul in the hallway. The boys greeted me with half asleep smiles and tired eyes. Not Niall though, he didn’t once look up, not when I walked over to the boys, not even when Paul escorted us through the lobby to the van. He didn’t smile, or make a sound. He just stared blankly at the ground and again out the window when we found our seats in the van. All the attempts Louis tried to get him to engage in our conversation failed, he was only met with one word responses and the side of Niall’s face.

Nobody knew what was going on with him, so I stayed quite. I knew it was me. Of course it was me. Maybe this wasn’t going to go the way that I had hoped. Maybe we can’t forget what happened. When we got to the arena it was much to early for any fans to be hanging around and when we stopped Niall was the first to jump off the bus. He didn’t stop as he ran towards the building, leaving everyone but me behind with confused stares. I could see it, when we sat on the bus that Niall was trying to hold everything inside, he didn’t speak because he didn’t want his voice to quiver, he didn’t look at us because he didn’t want us to see the tears about to fall from his eyes. It might seem like I’m satisfied that I have done this to him, but I’m not, I’m concerned. I don’t want to ruin what Niall was, I don’t want him to change because I crushed him. I want him to stay the same, to not be affected by what I’ve done.

“What’s wrong with him?” Louis asked, concerned.

“He’s probably just feeling sick from the bus,” I replied casually. Harry looked around at Zayn, Louis and I. A question written all over his face.

“But Niall doesn’t get sick from the van,” he finally said. “And didn’t you see his face? His eyes? There’s something wrong.” Harry walked off. To go find Niall and see what’s up I imagine.

Damn Harry, he always was too perceptive. He always knew what was happening while other people didn’t have a clue, or could only guess. I have to keep him from finding out what happened. So I ran ahead of him into the building to find Niall.
I looked in all of the bathrooms so I decided to look in the dressing rooms. As I started to pull the door to the first dressing room open, somebody pushed it from the other side. Niall ran right into me, completely dazed he looked up at me through red rimmed eyes.

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