Slowly Falling

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Niall P.O.V.

I guess I should have been prepared for what happened next. But can you ever be prepared? There was an array of magazines and newspapers spread out in front of me. Titles of stories practically jumped out at me off the pages.

Speculation that Niall is gay. Niam is no more? Remainder of One Direction Australian tour dates cancelled. What’s Niall’s big secret? Niall Horan punches Liam Payne on stage.

I couldn’t make myself read the actually articles, the titles were enough to tell me how horrible they would be. I’d checked the internet as soon as I got up this morning, the video of me punching Liam has already gotten over 6 million views since last night. My twitter mentions were being overloaded by crazed fans asking me anything and everything about what went on last night. I couldn’t tell them anything. My phone had continued to ring nonstop and now it is lying in three pieces on the other side of the room. Three knocks sounded lightly on my hotel room door.

Tap tap tap

“Who is it?” I yelled, from my sitting position.

“It’s Harry,” was yelled back through the door.

I pulled myself up and walked over to let Harry in, and sat back down in my original spot. Harry looked around the small living space before his eyes settled on the magazines spread out in front of me.

“Niall, what are you doing? You don’t need to be reading those, it won’t benefit you in any way,” Harry said to me, coming to sit beside me and collect the magazines, placing them in a pile under the table.

“I didn’t read them. I saw the article titles and the cashier gave me a dirty look as I bought them.” I replied.

“I tried calling,” he said.

I pointed my finger to the side of the room where my phone was laying in pieces on the floor. Harry’s eyes followed my finger and slightly widened.

“What happened?” He asked me, looking concerned.

“Too many people hassling me, I just wanted it to stop. It seems like an appropriate solution,” I told him simply, shrugging my shoulders.

“Niall,” Harry turned to face me, our knees hitting together as he moved closer towards me. “Can you tell me what happened?”

I thought about telling him, telling someone would be a huge weight off my shoulders. But, what would he say? He would be disgusted; he’s Harry the guy that gets all the girls. He wouldn’t want one of his best mates with a guy. And he’d hate Liam, and I don’t want that. Just because I hate Liam does not mean that anyone else should hate him because of me. So I simply said, “no.”

Harry nodded, accepting that I wasn’t ready. “Okay. Ah, I came over here to tell you that Simon wants to see us all in an hour, to talk about the ah, the incident.”

“Simon? But he’s in England.” I was confused.

“Oh right. He’ll be on Skype, we have to meet with Paul in the lobby and he’ll take us to speak with Simon and some of the other managers. So you should probably get changed and try to look presentable. We’ll be meeting in half an hour in the lobby.” He said.

I nodded, and he walked to the door, closing it behind him and walking back to his room.

I reluctantly removed myself from the couch and showered before putting on a pair of semi clean pants and a t-shirt. Afterwards applying a bandage to my left hand and downing two painkillers to control the throbbing pain. I should probably go to the hospital to get the hand checked. Later I think when I have time.

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