Sick day

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Third person pov:

As morning came Naruto groggly woke up. He felt terrible he had a headache and a fever, his breathing hard he immediately layed back down and slowly closed his eyes going back to sleep completely forgeting about there team training for that day.

Meanwhile at the team 7 training grounds Sasuke and kakashi are standing while sakura is clinging to sasuke waiting on naruto. Sakura suddenly yells "where is that stupid baka!?" Sasuke winces at the loudness and looks at kakashi "hn?". Kakashi replyed "I don't know he's never late" Sasuke looked away secretly he was worried for his blond....yes his blond he had a crush on him but has to much Uchiha pride to admit it.....then Sasuke spoke up "I can check on him..." He paused and quickly added "I don't need him slowing us down on our next mission" kakashi nodded "go ahead" then he pushed sakura who was pouting off of him and started walking to narutos house.

Once he arrived he knocked on the door "Naruto?" He asked but received no reply. He then turned the doornob to notice it's unlocked. He walked in and called out again "Naruto?" He then her a groan and noticed the heavy breathing coming from the room next to him. He walked in and saw Naruto from his view it looked like he was just sleeping so he walked up and shook him "wake up idiot your missing training" he still received no reply so he turned Naruto over and noticed a red hue on his face and him shivering. He looked concerned and shook him a bit "hey Naruto wake up" Naruto then opened his eyes a little and saw Sasuke "hey..." Sasuke looked simpethetic which surprised Naruto but at the moment he was to tired to tease so he closed his eyes again. Sasuke sighed and layed his hand on Narutos head quickly removing it "your burning up!' he quickly got up and grabbed a towel from the bathroom and put cold water on it and placed it on Narutos forehead. He leaned down a whispered "I'll be back in a sec" then went to the living room to get some medicine. He came back to Naruto curled up in the sheets the shook him "Naruto come on take some medicine" Naruto not in the right state of mind took it and swollowed it quickly regretting it when it tasted terrible. He groaned and layed down. Sasuke looked at the time and leaned down "I'm gonna head home I'm gonna check on you tommorow" he went to get up when naruto weakly grabbed his wrist "pls.....don't go" Sasuke looked at him and blushed Abit before shaking his head "fine...dobe" that's when naruto scooted over in his bed and Sasuke layed next to him bringing him close relishing the moment he hoped would last forever then they fell asleep.

The next morning Naruto woke up he felt better *probably from the kyuubi* he thought then he noticed something...or somone had his arms around him he looked up slowly not knowing who it was Sasuke he stared for a second before blushing but not moving he shook him "sasuke?" Sasukes eyes opened and looked at him before snapping into reality and jumping back of the bed and falling. Naruto leaned over "Sasuke are you ok!?" He asked but received no reply he looked down at him and noticed he looked feverish and sick "you got my cold" then he picked Sasuke up and layed him in bed.

He looked around his room and noticed medicine and a cold towel then he looked at Sasuke and smiled he then leaned down and kissed his forehead
"thank you for taking care of me...let me return the favor"

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