Chapter 26

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 *3rd Person POV*

One of the people in the cages heard her father's distressed cries and put her small, frail arms through the cage door.

"Papa!" She cried.

Dr. Lock just sat there, slumped against the wall, utterly defeated.

And Dr. Wing walked down the stairs from her place atop the balcony.

While this occurred the majority of people who were trapped in the auditorium were watching the screen. The was no sound. Just watching a little girl that no one knew get beaten with a metal bat. She had dragonfly wings, something that no one had seen before.

Battered already, bruises on her face, legs, arms, and back, she looked horrid. 

The guards were watching the video as well. No one knew, but all four of them had looks of horror plastered on their faces under their helmets.

Suddenly, a gunshot.

And Dr. Nathaniel Lock, father of Ray and Dahlia, husband of Bonnie, was dead.

The little girl who was in the cage, Dahlia, screamed.

"NO DADDY!!! NO!" She was sobbing loudly. 

Dr. Wing had bloodstains on her previously white clothes and a gun in her hand.

And Dr. Lock had a bullet in his brain.A

The guards realized that they must act on their plan now of they'd never get out.

So one of them sneaked up on Dr. Wing and hit her on the back of the head with the butt of their gun.

The video automatically paused, the metal restraints opened.

Many of the people were wary of this guard.

But then she took off her helmet.

"Ashley?!" The boy who was part bear, Jerome, yelled incredulously.

She just grinned.

"The ninja poof strikes again."



That took me way to long to write. 


Just. Just bye okay?


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