Chapter 4

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*Jerome's POV*

My hands were fluffy, with chocolate brown hair. I felt my face, hoping it was normal, but It was as furry as my hands, with a bumpy wet nose like a dog's.

"Oh my gawd." I muttered, at a complete loss for words besides that.

"What am I?" I finally asked after a moment of silence.

"Jerome, for how long did you hear my footsteps?" The doctor said, not answering my question. 

"A minute, maybe a minute and a half." I say, knowing that he could probably hurt me if I didn't answer. After all, he is the one who said to give me that shot while I was awake. And he probably knew that it'd hurt.

"Excellent! the man exclaimed, standing near the door while I was still sitting on the floor, "Jerome, That leads me to believe that your sense of hearing and smell have increased by at least 100%."

He acted excited, but I sure wasn't. "Did I get all of this from one shot?" I ask.

"I am going to take you to the male ward now." He said, completely disregarding another one of my questions. "But I've got to tell you something."

Then he suddenly lunged foreword, griping my wrist tightly. I gasped a bit in pain as he roughly pulled me up so I was standing. I was a few inches taller than him, so he pulled me to his eye level.

He violently twisted my wrist, just to make sure I was paying attention, which I was, but that evidently doesn't matter. He started talking again, 

"Listen to me. You aren't human anymore. I own you. If you don't listen and respect my rules. I can show you just how much I own you. You understand?!"

I nodded.

 He grinned and started leading me down a corridor, with a guard ahead and behind us. We took a couple of turns and walked down to a dead end hallway that had two doors on either side at the end.

As we got closer I say that one door was blue, and the other pink. They had plaques indicating that the blue door was to the male ward and the pink to the female one.

There was one guard on each door, and when they saw us, they jumped. Am I really that scary? probably. That'll make things difficult if I ever go back home. .

The man (Will I ever know his real name?) pushed me slightly, making me stumble a bit then continue walking into the male ward. 

It was actually a very large room. On each side of the room was a row of twin sized beds, most with someone sitting or lying down on one. Except for one bed, in the middle of the back wall, all alone.

"Hello boys!" The man said loudly. At once everyone in the room stood at attention. Except for the boy on the bed at the back wall. he was under the blankets on his bed.

"Hello Doctor Lock." all of the boys chorused back dully. 

"Well boys. I have a new one here. I think he deserves a special introduction. Come on, tell them your name." He says, nudging me.

I mumbled, "Jerome Aceti." And then I felt Dr. Lock's foot stomp on mine. 

"Say it louder." He says venomously, low enough so only I can hear. 

"Jerome Aceti." repeat loudly, self consciously noticing that my voice was definitely rougher than before.

I heard the person still in his bed on the back wall start sobbing. He sounded achingly familiar. It's probably someone from my class or something that  was picked for The Day.

Dr. Lock and the extra guards left, leaving me alone with about 50 experimented on boys. You could clearly tell by just looking at most of them, the wings and tails. But on some were different, they looked normal. they were probably experimented on the inside.

A boy who looked about 20 walked up to me and said, "Come on Jerome, meet some people." I followed him down the right side of the room and said hi to people. Most told me the name and what they were,  experiment-wise.

There was a boy with a metal heart, he joked about having a literal heart of gold, a guy who was 2% lion, and a bunch more. The guy who was leading me around's name was Hunter and he was half wolf. I could kinda tell by his wolf ears, but he told me anyway.

We finally get down to the back of the room. We still had the left side of the room to go, but we were just walking past the bed with the crying boy.

"Who's that?" I ask Hunter, gesturing to the boy under the covers.

"Oh. Mitch doesn't like talking to people." He says with a careless shrug.

"Wait." I say. Hunter stops, a questioning look on his face.

"Has he been here only since the last Celebration Day?" I ask, feeling slightly hopeful.

"Yea. Why do you ask?" Hunter says, slightly confused.

I slowly walked up to the bed. "Mitch gets annoyed really easy." Hunter warns me as i continue walking towards the bed.

I think I know how to deal with my best friend. I think to myself and approach the bed.


Hai! We meet yet again! I hope you liked my chapter! I didn't want to make it too long so I didn't put Mitch's POV like I had originally planned. Comment you thoughts/opinions so far!

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