Chapter 23

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*Mitch's POV*

"Who are you?" I ask the person who just walked in.

"I'm Tina, and I'm going to switch you back before I ask or answer anymore questions." The person, Tina replied and pulled out a remote.

"What the hell!?" I yell ad try to take my arms out of the metal restraints, only succeeding in scraping a lot of skin off.

"Calm down Mitch! Just wait." Sandren yelled. 

Tina slammed the button. 

Suddenly, all of the jagged edges smoothed over. 

When they turned me insane, they filled my mind with bad things until I broke.

And now, it's only good things and I'm back together again.

"Th-Thanks." I mutter.

"Anytime." Tina smiles. "I actually think that's enough today. You both will be sharing a cage. I'm going to call someone to escort you."


As we were being pushed ahead by the guards, we were coming up to some windows that look into a room.

"That's the training room. I pass it nearly everyday, but it's always lunch so I miss the people." Sandren whispers into my ear.

Sandren has been whispering things to me as we walk down the hallways to what I would guess to be the room with the cages again.

As we pass the windows Sandren looks into them and stops.

"Vi." He whispers. Before the guards can push him, he runs to the last window that looks into the training room and bangs on it.

"VI! Violet, it's me, Sandren!"

I see Violet turn towards the window and drop the practice knife she was holding. She runs to the window Sandren was banging on and puts her hand up to it.

She has tears streaming down her face and she mouths, 'I love you.' before Sandren gets pushed up and we're walking side by side again.

His dark gray eyes tear up and he looks down, walking in silence.

*Jerome's POV*

As I crawl out of my cage I see only Dr. Lock and some guards in the room.

Either she was using some kind of speakers, or Dr. Wing left.

Suddenly Dr. Wing's voice starts speaking again.

Definitely speakers.

"Actually, I think we're going to delay your maze run to watch a special video. Guards, please escort the subjects and Mr. Lock to the viewing room. This goes for all subjects, Thank you."

Dr. Lock visibly pales as a guard grabs his arm. 

I hear some hisses and growls as eventually everyone who isn't a guard is grabbed or pushed.

What is this 'special video'? I swear if they hurt Mitch I will kill them.


Hai guys! Heh... It's been a week or two between updates...

Ummm ye.. 



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