Chapter 24

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*3rd Person POV* (because I counldn't choose one so...)

All on the hybrids were strapped into movie theater like chairs in an auditorium. Guards stood along side every wall and blocked the two exits.

Dr. Lock was being held by two guards. He was clearly panicking and this made many of the hybrids uncomfortable, for they knew that if he thought it was bad, it would be horrendous.

Dr. Wing sat in the one balcony at the back of the auditorium, if you were facing the stage which was converted into a rather large projection screen. She was toying with a microphone, obviously waiting for everyone to be settled.

And, unnoticed in a corner by on of the exits, were two cages. They both contained the battered bodies of two certain hybrids. Every breath was pain for both of them, and occasionally, one would whimper. 

"HELLO EVERYONE!!" Dr. Wing shouted into the microphone. Many of the experimented on children below had enhanced hearing, and thus they yelped at the sudden pain that was given to them. (They couldn't cover their ears because their arms were restrained by metal bands.)

The doctor everyone trusted (Well, they trusted her more than they'd ever trust Dr. Lock, at least) laughed like a mad woman, and that was so loud it could be heard without the microphone.

"I assume everyone has been wondering why I have called you here. Well, I think I've collected enough footage, so I've compiled it into an...educational video for you all." 

Dr. Margret Wing pulled out a small remote from her pocket, (I myself am wondering why there are so many god dammed remotes as of late) pointed it at the large projector screen, and pressed PLAY.

A large title screen popped up, with WING TESTING AGENCY written out in bold letters. Short clips were shown of people getting turned into hybrids. Most of them were asleep at the time, so it was just mildly disturbing.

But when they were awake, they screamed. They screamed in pain and frustration as they were changed into who-knows-what. 

The guards covered their ears and the mutated people in the seats were uncomfortable, but unable to outrun the screams because they were sitting down.

It seemed as if they were every single person's mutations, for the seven years this facility was open.

Many forget about them, but the mind kids were there. Their 'changing' videos were almost the worst. 

Therapy sessions to make them depressed.

Sitting alone in a room, calling out random numbers and colors like a madman.

Straining to get away in a room full of people, yelling out random sentences.

There were two changing videos that were absolutely terrible.

Sandren Volcaz. His shaggy black hair disheveled, his dark gray eyes wide, his small frame shaking. A 14 year old. Curled up into a pain and squeaking in pain while black cat ears sprouted from his head. A cat tail also grew from his tailbone.

The he screamed. You would think that it wouldn't be worse than all of the other screams, but you would be wrong. 

He screamed about a girl named Violet, he screamed about his mother and father, he screamed about being normal. 

He screamed about things he would never have again.

Violet, the girl, was sitting next to Sandren in the auditorium. Her bright purple hair dragged over her face as tears welled up in her eyes. She leaned her head unto Sandren's shoulder and whispered 'I love you' over and over.


Remember? I said two videos.

The next was Mitchell Hughes himself. He was strapped down, asleep. 

He started flickering, visible and not. Most people were shocked, for they never actually knew what type of animal hybrid he was.

Then he woke up.

He didn't scream, as Sandren did. He muttered. He was talking softly.

About how everyone wants to kill him.

About each one of his friends and family dying.

About how he wants to kill himself.

He was shaking his head and crying. Crying for the dead people who were living. 

Then he said something that most everyone recognized.

"Jerome. My bacca. I'm never going to see him again." *small sob* "I love him... Stop it Mitch. You do love him. You have forever. Your just a little bitch so you didn't tell him."

Jerome, the boy in question, was looking at Mitch from across the auditorium with a heartbroken expression.

He just realized that he too, loved Mitch from the first time he saw him.

And he hung his head in shame for not accepting it.

The screen goes black and everyone lets out a collective sigh of relief.

It's finally over. Most of them thought.

"Oh. It's just starting." The crazy doctor smiled into the microphone.


Hai guys!

*visibly tries not to smile*

I guess this is a bit of a cliffhanger....

bai for now! *waves like an idiot*

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