Chapter 10

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*Mitch's POV*

I stand there at the sword rack in the training room, nervous for Jerome. 

Dr. Lock and Dr. Wing watch as the new experiments go through various training exercises, taking notes on their clipboards.

More guards were standing around than usual, in case we try to attack the doctors. Apparently it happens from time to time.

Damian, the annoying 15 year old, went through all of the exercises, doing what I can only call average. Except the things that required accuracy, he excelled at that kinda stuff. They must have done something that improved his accuracy, but I can only guess.

*Jerome's POV*

When it was my turn to go, I was very anxious. Dr. Lock still looked at me angrily every time he saw me, but Dr. Wing, a tall, pale, woman with black hair looke a bit nicer.

We started with the two basic tests, a short sprint, and the climbing wall. 

The two doctors left me at the starting line for the sprint and walked to the finish. "Go!" Dr. Lock suddenly barked and I ran as fast as I could. Before I knew it, I was behind the finish line, not even out of breath. 

I look around to see if I did good. Dr. Wing looked really impressed and was writing notes. Dr. Lock just scowls. 

The other kids look fine. Some were just staring, while others stole glances on occasion.

"Pay attention!" Dr. Lock snaps. I want to reply with something rude, but I'll probably just get punished. I look at the doctor, and he continues speaking. "Next, the climbing wall."

*Mitch's POV*

I remember my first try on the climbing wall. Since it goes all the way to the ceiling, it's pretty tall. At the top there is a small bell your supposed to ring, then you climb back down.

On my first time, I had to stop half way from fear. It was the first time I turned invisible, discovering my powers as part chameleon.

Damian had gone about ten feet up, but became too dizzy and had to climb back down. Now, it was Jerome's turn.

I was worried for Jerome again, since there are no harnesses or straps to keep you from falling. I watched a girl fall and break her neck.

Jerome actually did great for his first time. When I had failed, Hunter told me that people rarely made it to the top. I watched anxiously as Jerome seemed to climb the wall easily, reaching the top in about ten minutes.

A few people started cheering as he rang the bell, it's soft tinkling barely reaching us below. As the guard silenced our cheering Jerome looked down, smiling and baring his sharp teeth. I grinned and waved up at him. He waved back, but lost his hold on the climbing wall when he tried to regain it.

And that's when he started falling.


Hai guys! so, do ya hate me for the cliffhanger? If you don't then maybe I should do more.... *Evil grin* Ahem, so anyways, Comment your Thoughts/Opinions as you so choose!

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