Chapter 19

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*Jerome's POV*

We got put in the same cage.

And with my new found sense of claustrophobia, I really don't appreciate it.

I glance at Mitch, who's curled up awkwardly in the corner of the dog crate, due to his cast on his leg. He had broken his ankle from falling off the climbing wall.

Mitch is still pretty shaken up from his hallucinations. I'm nearly 100% sure that it was caused by Dr. Wing's remote.

"Mitch. Talk to me. Please. I need you right now. I'm so scared." I whisper the last part. I'm trying to get him our of his shell.

It happens. His shell. It hasn't been so bad that I couldn't talk to him before, except two years ago when Vikk was taken. He wouldn't function properly that time. He wouldn't eat, wouldn't sleep, and wouldn't talk. It took him a few months for him to be happy again.

He acts like it never happened, So everyone else acts like it never happened too.

"Mitch. Maybe Vikk is here." I say, trying a different angle to get him to speak.

"Vikk? You know him?" A guy's voice says from a few cages away.

"Yea. Vikk was our friend. He was taken two years ago."

"Vikk's here. He's sleeping right now, but he's definitely here."


 *Mitch's POV*

I'm trying to sleep.

Honestly, I'd take my horrendous nightmares over this reality.

I don't know what's real and what's not though. Maybe this is all one big nightmare. Maybe my life is just a hell. But the scariest thing is that this is real. All of it.

I hear voices, but I'm not really trying to listen.

I feel like it's two years ago. Maybe it was two years. Maybe it was two minutes. I. Just. Don't. Know.

"Vikk's.........he'" I hear a person's voice say.

I uncurl from my ball to find myself in a large dog crate with Jerome.

Jerome's still part bear. At least that's real. He's leaning with his back against the side of the cage, talking to someone I can't see.

"So, Sandren. You know Vikk?" Jerome says. I have no clue who this Sandren guy is, but if he knows where Vikk is, I'm willing to talk to him.

"Jerome." I say weakly. I try to move my leg, but I feel a stabbing pain come from my ankle. Oh yea, I broke it. Oops.

Jerome looks at me when I say his name.

"Who are you talking to?" I ask, trying to keep the evident pain out of my voice.

"Sandren. He's in the cage next to ours and he knows who Vikk is." Jerome explains.

"Who cares about who I am?" A sleepy voice says from a few dog crates away.


Hai guys! This is the first chapter I've ever written from my laptop, so it took me longer to type than usual. It was still from though!

Sandren is an OC I made up. He's a pretty cool guy once you meet him properly. Which you won't do for a couple of chapters. Yea....

Anyway, comment your Thoughts/Opinions as you so choose! Bai! ^-^

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