Chapter 17

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*Jerome's POV*

Am I too dangerous? I think as I walk to the training room. Is Mitch too dangerous? 

I've been worrying about this since I went to bed last night. I'm probably overreacting, but still.

I walk into the vast training room surrounded by the large crowd of people. I go directly to the ax station. I don't understand why I'm any good with an ax, but it's fun.

I swing the ax, effectively beheading a dummy. I continue again and again on multiple dummies.

"You're quite good at that, aren't ya?" A girl's voice startles me out of my thoughts. I turn around to see Andria, the fox hybrid and the person in charge of the female ward.

"Yea I guess I'm good." I say casually and put the ax down.

"So, how are ya liking it here so far Jerome?" She asked. She's way to casual about it.

She also says 'ya' too much.

"It'd okay... but I wish none of this had ever happened." I say cautiously. Why would Andria ever want to talk to me?

"This never happened." She says, repeating my words, "Do you mean getting chosen, or that this whole program never existed?" She picks up one of the axes and examines it.

"This program. I don't think it's right. And if it were just me getting out, Mitch would be stuck here without me."

"What's the deal with you and Mitch? I get that you guys are friends, but your practically inseperable. This is one of the few times I've seen you without him." She throws the ax at one of the targets and sticks it in the outside ring.

I pick up an ax and throw it, hitting the bullseye without trying.

"Mitch and I have been best friends as long as I can remember. We grew up together. I have a bunch of other friends but I pushed them away after Mitch was chosen. The only thing that kept me from hurting myself was my friend Ashley." I'm surprising myself by how much I'm telling Andria. 

"We're you and Ashley a couple?" Andria asks, her fox ears flicking.

"No. She had a crush on Mitch, but she got over it." I picked up another ax and threw it at a dummy, successfully skewering it through the head.

"So... What about your other friends?"

"They'll be okay. I'd only be worried if it was Mitch alone."

"Yea, he got really depressed."

"He told me. Those dreams he has nearly made him insane."

"Really? I thought those were just bad dreams."

"No. They're part of his experiment. It's terrible nightmares every night. He's strong, but I think given a few more months, he would've gone insane."

"He must care about you a lot." 

"Yea. I care about him too."

"Well, If it means anything, I hope you know that I ship it."

*Mitch's POV*

I've been assigned to do the climbing wall because they want to reassess my skills.

I climbed the first 10 feet easy. I looked down at Dr. Wing, the one who's supervising my climbing. She's pulling out a remote.

I only have time to think, What's that remote for? when she presses the button.

Immediately I'm in one of my nightmares. No, all of my nightmares.

I see everyone I've ever known. Dead.

Dr. Lock Standing over me in a white room, coming at me with a knife. I only have time to scream when the scene changes again.

I'm falling off a building.

Watching my friends get tortured.








Every thing is happening all at once, yet not at all. I know it's not real, but part of my mind thinks, This is real. Everyone's dead. You have nothing to stay sane for. 


Hai guys! Do you hate me yet? You will probably hate me sometime relatively soon. 

Disregard that last sentence.

Anyway, comment your Thoughts/Opinions as you so choose! 

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