Chapter 36

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Sayyid felt like he has never felt so useless in his life. Useless. To the extent of every letter. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know what to do to make Aidah stop crying. She is on the hospital bed, wearing noting but the blue gown they made her change into.

They got here about an hour ago and they are still waiting for the doctor to come. Mami, Ammi and him. Mummy and the rest are at home. They wouldn't want the hospital to be full just yet.

"Where is the doctor?" He asks the nurse when she comes into the room.

"I'm sorry sir, Dr Greyson should be here any minute." She says then proceeds to check on Aidah.

He watches as the nurse checks Aidah's blood pressure, she writes something on the folder and then walks out. He rush to Aidah's side and run his hand through her soft hair.

"Aidah." He called, softly.

She is covering her face with her hand while muttering duas and sobbing. It is killing him to see her like this and not able to do anything. He feel guilty somehow...

"Aidah please.." He says.

"What?" Aidah cries as she takes her hands off her face. Her eyes are red, and her nose is running. There are tears all over her face and he reached out to clean them with his hands.

He wants to ask her if she's okay, but he knows that it's probably not going to help. He doesn't know what else to say to her.

"I'm sorry" He whispers.

"You should be," She cries but reaches his hand and squeezes it. "It hurts, Sayyid"

There is a knock on the door and the doctor walks in with the nurse behind her. "Where have you been?" He demand her, angrily.

She smiles. "I'm sorry I'm late, I was asleep" She tells him.

She walks to Aidah. "How are you doing?"

"The contractions are really strong. I feel like I want to push"

Dr Greyson takes a seat in front of Aidah, she grabs her legs and opens them. The room is silence as the doctor examines her.

"Alright.." She murmurs then looks up at Aidah. "Well, you are just 4cm dilated.."

"How?" Aidah asks in disbelief. She looks so desperate.

Dr Greyson smiles. "I know it's hard but you must remember to remain as calm as possible."

The doctor looks at him "I suggest you take her and walk around the floor. I'll be back to check on her in an hour"

He nodded. Well at least that gives him something to do. Mashallah.

"Baby, why don't we go for a walk?" He asks her after the doctor leaves.

She doesn't say anything for a moment. Her hands goes to her belly and she winces in pain. After a while, she nods. "Okay"

He place his arm around her waist and help her to her feet. Ammi nods nods at her while they made it to the door and out of the room.

The hallway is long, and he can see another woman walking with her nurse. Aidah's arm goes around her torso as they walk. She keeps taking long breaths.

The next seven hours are the longest hours of his life. They are spent walking and then going back to the room and then going out to walk again.

The doctor checks Aidah every hour but can't really do anything until the cervix is 10cm dilated, at least that's what the doctor explains. She tells them about getting an epidural but Aidah refuses.

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