Addi was sitting in her room it was the start of the summer holiday and she was scribbling out a letter to send back to Hermione when her sister's boyfriend Mickie knocked on her door. She threw down her pen and stood up and hugged him. He was like an older brother to her, always looking out for her and whatnot. She smiled as he hugged back, but it slipped off her face when she saw that he looked sad. 

   "What's wrong, Mick?" He looked at her and his eyes filled with tears. She had Rose's eyes. 

   "Rose, she's gone. I don't know if she's coming back," Addison looked up at Mickie as her lower lip shook, "She wanted me to give you this and tell you that she loves you, so much." 

    She let out a sob as he held up the necklace. Mickie immediately pulled her into a hug as she sobbed harder. Mickie felt her falling so he held onto her tighter and lowered her to the ground. he sat with her and they both cried. Soon her cries turned into light snores, so Mickie picked her up and set her in her bed before covering her up and kissing her forehead. He gently set the necklace on her dresser before quietly exiting the room. The next day when she found the necklace she unclipped it before slipping her ring onto the chain, and then she clipped it around her neck before whipping the tears that had slipped down her face. 

Addison gently set the picture next down on her bedside table before climbing under her comforter and slipping into darkness.


    The next morning, Addison was sat across from Dean Thomas in the dark, stuffy Divination classroom. Ron had called Harry as his partner upon entering which caused Harry to snort and Addi to laugh and waltz over to the empty spot across from Dean seeing as how Hermione was nowhere to be seen.

   "Welcome, my children. In this room, you shall explore the mysterious art of Divination. In this  room, you shall discover if you possess...the Sight. Hello. I am Professor Trelawney. Together, ww shall cast ourselves into the future. But know this. One either has the Gift or not. It cannot be divined from the pages of a book. Books only cloud one's Inner Eye," Professor Trelawney's dramatics caused Dean to snort softly and Addison to put a hand over her mouth to hide her amused grin. Her face scrunched up in confusion when she saw Hermione sitting at Harry and Ron's table. She leaned towards Dean slightly before whispering to him.

   "Was she her when we came in?" While subtly pointing toward Hermione. Dean looked to where she was pointing before turning back to whisper to her.

   "I don't believe so," She nodded her head at him before turning her attention back to the front of the class. Professor Trelawney spun toward Neville.

   "You, boy! is your grandmother well?" Neville looked around before looking back at the professor. 

   "I-I think so," Professor Trelawney tilted her head before shaking it slightly. 

   "I wouldn't be so sure of that," Neville looked at her with wide eyes, "The first term will be devoted to the reading of tea leaves. If all goes well, we will proceed to palmistry, fire omens, and finally...the crystal ball," she then began to eye Parvati, "By the way, dear, beware a red-haired man." 

   Parvati eyed Ron wearily before edging her seat away from him slightly.

   "How is that helpful? There are millions of people with red hair," Addi whispered to Dean, who laughed quietly. Before he could respond, however, Professor Trelawney continued talking.  

   "Unfortunately, classes will be disrupted in February by a nasty bout of Flu. I myself will lose my voice. And in late spring, one of our number will leave us forever," Everyone in the class exchanged uneasy glances. Except for Addison who, once again, leaned toward Dean to say something. 

   "I bet it will be Hermione," Dean glanced as her incredulously. 

   "You think your best friend is going to die?" Addi's face scrunched up in confusion. Obviously everyone else thought that Professor Trelawney meant someone was going to die. 

   "What? No! I think that Hermione will drop this class. She complained about coming to it all throughout breakfast," Dean raised his eyebrows before nodding as if it were begging to make sense to him. 

   "Well then. Shall we?" Professor Trelawney then explained to them that they would look into their partners teacup and attempt to tell their future using their textbooks as a guide. It was at this point that Dean leaned over toward Addison and said, in these exact words, that he was "the best fortune teller that she would ever be in the presence of". Of course, this caused the blonde to snort loudly, but hide it with a cough. 

The next like five minutes were spent trying to decipher shapes in Dean's cup. She was about to tell him that she had no idea what she was doing before Professor Trelawney yelped whilst throwing a teacup back onto the table. Addison didn't know how it didn't break, but was quickly pulled back into the conversation when Parvati asked what was wrong. 

   "My dear boy. You have...the grim," she stated while looking Harry directly in the eye. 

   "The Grin? what's the Grin?" Seamus spoke form the table next to Addi's. 

   "The Grim. Not the Grin, you idiot," Parvati snapped.

   "But what does it mean, Professor?" Dean spoke up from next to Addi.

   "The Grim," all eyes turned to Lavender Brown as she read from the textbook, "Taking the form of a giant spectral dog, it is among the darkest omens in our world. It is an omen...of death."

   "Well that's nice," Addison said sarcastically. Couldn't they just go one year without their lives being threatened. Professor Trelawney cleared her throat awkwardly.

   "Please continue till the end of the hour," she choked out and then disappeared behind a curtain. Everyone was silent for a moment before everyone turned back to their partners. 

Dean took Addi's cup and examined it with narrowed eyes.

    "Well this box-looking thing means other-worldly travel, so that's kind of cool," Addi raised her eyebrows at Dean.

   "Is that the only thing you see in my cup, oh great fortune teller?" Addi's joke made Dean laugh but nod nonetheless. Her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, "Show me."

   She moved her seat next to Dean and he held out the porcelain cup. Her chocolate eyes peered into the piece of china , only to discover that all the remnants of her tea leaves formed one single  shape: a box. 

Dean, whose was also peering into the cup, laughed slightly before pointing at it.

   "It looks like a Public Call Box,"

   "A what?"

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