"You can't run forever Addikins," she heard the twins yell from the bottom. Everyone in the common room was still laughing at the exchange. It already began to feel like a normal year at Hogwarts with the Weasley twins and Addison Tyler pranking each other. 


   Addison quickly entered her dorm and spotted her trunk next to her bed. She took out her pajamas and entered the bathroom. After changing, she stared into the mirror looking into the same chocolate brown eyes that her sister has, had. Her mother promised to owl her if she came home, but it was safe to say that Addison had already given up hope. Mickie told her that she went willingly with the man who took her, but that didn't make her feel better. If she went willingly wouldn't that mean that he would let her visit her family. It didn't make sense to Addi. she didn't think it ever would. 

    Upon exiting the bathroom she was met with an empty dorm as it was still pretty early in the evening. She pulled out a picture of her and her sister on Christmas. Her sister, Rose, was sixteen in the picture and Addi was ten. Addi was wearing a pair of red and black plaid pants with a black t-shirt, while Rose was wearing a matching pair of red and black plaid pants and a white tank top. The three were sleeping on their sofa with their christmas tree visible in the right corner of the picture. It was one of Addison's favorite memories. 

   Rose and herself were opening presents and drinking hot chocolate whilst their mother sat idly by on the phone. She had just opened her last present from Santa and was waiting for the others to be done so that she could give out her presents. It was kind of a like a tradition to give their gifts for each other last. jackie Tyler hung up the phone to admire her daughters, both so beautiful and full of joy. They both looked so much like their fathers. Once Rose was finished opening her presents from 'Santa' (she didn't really believe in Santa anymore, but still pretended for Addi), Jackie walked over to the two girls and handed them each a box to which the two tore into. Rose had received a new, pink phone, to which she practically tackled their mother to the ground in a hug. Addison had received a little make-up kit that she saw in the store and hinted about till Christmas.

   Rose then handed out her presents and the flopped onto Addi with a dramatic sigh. The girl had giggled and pushed Rose off of her and onto the floor. Rose had gifted Jackie with a new pair of earrings. Addison had tore the shiny red wrapping paper from the tiny box and carefully opened it. Inside was a beautiful Rose gold ring with a little rose on the front of it. She gasped and took the ring from the box before placing it on her tiny finger (it fit perfectly). 

   "Thanks Rosie! I love it!" Rose smiled at her sister before taking her sisters hand and looking at it.

   "I got it for you so that remember that I am always with you. I'll be going off to college in a few years, and I want you to know that, wherever I am, I love you," Jackie looked on with tears in her eyes as her girls hugged. Addison pulled away from the hug before reaching behind her to grab a small box that had Rose's name scribbled on it. She shyly handed her sister the box before looking at the floor. 

   "I got you this for the same reason," Rose smiled brightly at her before tearing the wrapping paper and opening the box. Rose gasped as the the necklace glinted in the sunlight streaming in through the window. It was a silver chain with a little daisy charm. Rose clipped the pendant around her neck before tackling her sister into a giant bear hug. The sisters snuggled together on the sofa and both of them fell asleep in no time. Jackie didn't realize she was crying until she saw a tear splash into her hot chocolate. She smiled at her girls before taking their picture and cleaning up the wrapping paper.

   Addison ran her fingers over the picture before tugging on the necklace around her neck. It was the very same necklace that she had gifted Rose on that Christmas morning. She remember how she came to be in possession of it like it was yesterday.

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