"That would be awesome Cal. When will this date be?" I reply. 

"In about 2 hours. So about 12:00 in the afternoon." He answers. 

"That's fine, I just planned an ultrasound though for 11 this morning so hopefully the scan doesn't take too long." I tell him. 

"Awesome!" He grins, "I get to see the first ultrasound of my baby!" That made me want to cry. He was so happy. I smile at him and pull him in for a hug. This is just one of the many reasons I love him so much. 

Calum's POV 

~~In The Car To The Doctors~~  

"What is like to be a father?" I wonder, "Is it going to be easy?" "What if I'm not a good father?" All these questions swarmed my head suddenly making me a tad scared. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely excited to become a father but, so many things could go wrong. 

I could either be, the best father in the entire universe or I could be a terrible father that never gets to see their kid. Oh gosh, what if I really don't get to see my kid at all. What if I'm not there for Shay when she has the baby. That would be terrible. I would never do that.  

"So," Shaylee says, breaking me from my thoughts, "I know, we're not gonna know the gender for a long time but, what do you want the baby to be?" 

Wow, I never even bothered to think about what I wanted it to be. That sounds really bad but, hey, at least its true. "Um, well it would be fun to have a boy so I could play all kinds of sports and stuff with him. Although, having a girl would be nice too because then she'll look just like you and even when you're not around I'll have a mini you to hang out with. Plus girls, and I'm being honest, are a lot nicer than boys sometimes." I tell her. 

I look at her to find a big smile stuck to her face, "Did I ever tell you that you're really freakin adorable?" She laughs. I nod my head with a grin. "I think I want a little girl. She would act exactly like you and have most of your looks. You know, your black hair, tan skin, cute smile but, she would have my ice blue eyes. I could dress her really cute everyday, sit on the bed with her and comb her hair while she watches cartoons. Then when she gets older I get to talk about boys with her. I could just do so much with a little girl. Boys just seem to get tired of their mums after awhile, I think. Although, it would be fun to be some kind of sport mum."  She laughs.

I could picture her doing all of it. My- Our daughter sitting on the bed watching cartoons, while Shay sits behind her with a big smile on her face as she combs her hair. I could picture our daughter going to her first day of school. With all the same features Shay had listed, a pink bow in her hair and cute little dress, with a princess back pack. It would be the cutest thing in the world. 

Having a boy would be cool too though. I could imagine our son with blonde hair, like Shay's, and chocolate brown eyes, like mine. I could picture his hair up in a fohawk on the first day of school. Of course Shay would had done it for him and a Captain America backpack on his shoulders. He would be gentle like her but be a big goof like me.  

"That is not true!" I say in defense, "I happen to love my mum very much and I'm sure if any little boy had you as a mum they would love you." Shaylee laughs at me and rolls her eyes. 

"Yeah, because they would just adore me." Shaylee laughs. 

"Are you kidding me, you would be the best mum in the whole world." I reply. 

"Okay Cal, what ever you say. C'mon and park in a place already so we don't miss my ultrasound." She tells me. I nod my head and park right in front of the OBGYN. 

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