Episode Fourteen: Anywhere(pt. 4)

Start from the beginning

"Jeckles! This has to stop!"

"Or what?! You'll tear me to shreds?!" Jeckles barked while using his mind to throw objects on the balloon at Guy but Guy dodged all of them barely.

"I'm not going to use this power to kill! I've done that already!" Guy yelled, his eyes flaring up a gold color in his pupils. "Please, Jeckles, you can still stop this!"

Jeckles didn't listen to him, using the force of the wind to push him off towards the edge. Guy grabbed onto the rim of the raft and pulled himself up quickly before Jeckles made the next move. Jeckles zoomed towards him to connect his fist to Guy's jaw. Guy took an impact of the hit but his bruise automatically healed itself. Jeckles picked up a knife and pinned Guy up against the rim of the raft. Guy and Jeckles struggled while Jeckles was able to impale Guy on the shoulder. Guy yelped in pain while throwing his fist at Jeckles's cheek and pushed him away.

Guy gained his footing while ripping the knife out of his shoulder, his wound automatically healed itself. He tossed the knife away. Jeckles shot a deadly glare at him while leaping towards him. Guy ducked his head quickly while Jeckles flew off of the raft. Jeckles immediately grabbed the rope and held on for dear life.

Guy glanced down at Jeckles with a soft gaze. He stretched his hand out for Jeckles to grab. "Jeckles...please, take my hand."

Jeckles shot a deadly glare at Guy. "Why should I? You know, there's nothing good out there. There's no warmth in this world."

"I used to think that!" Guy responded loudly so that Jeckles could hear him. "I used to think that everything never goes right for me. I used to think that people had better things than I did. I used to feel cold too. You were right, Jeckles. There are cold and heartless people out there. But you're discounting the fact that there are also good people out there too. They're hard to find but in the end...it's all worth it. All of it. I promise you. You don't have to set fire to the world to feel its warmth because it's already there...with people that you love and care about."

Guy paused while frowning at Jeckles. "I've seen your memories, Jeckles. I know where you're from...how much people would ignore you...how much you were abuse...I know what you did to Spillsberry...I know that your real name is Lloyd Williams. You thought that there was nothing but bad people in the world but...it's not true...please, let me help you. I'll prove to you that there are good people left in the world. We can stop those bombs together. We don't have to fight each other."

Silence emerged while Jeckles stared up at Guy's outstretched hand and desperate gaze. Guy was so willing to stretch his hand out to help his enemy up even though he put him through so much. It took a moment for Jeckles to think about what's going on. Guy could tell Jeckles was thinking about for a moment until that thought vanished. Before Guy could predict what's going to happen, Jeckles grabbed his hand without hesitation but something was happening. Guy's hand began to vibrate violently while something just flowed into his hand, causing Guy to yelp. When he glanced at Jeckles, all Jeckles did was cornering a smirk.

Guy immediately let go of Jeckles before whatever it was going through his arm. Jeckles slipped and lost his grip on the rope he was holding onto. Guy watched the villain fall towards the ocean below them, laughing like a maniac. His mouth was left open agape while he quickly examined his hand, which shook like crazy. He gripped on it while looking around him. Guy blinked his eyes while having some sort of an X-ray vision that revealed all the bombs with places marked on them like Stovepipe Junction, Glurfsburg, Meepville, Cambridge, Fullsome, Cherryville, North and South Shvizelton, and many more. He dug his hand into his fur pocket and took out the small device that Goat gave him.

"Jeffrey says to press it whenever you're ready."

Guy knew what this device could do...and he knew where to press it at. He immediately strode up to the steering wheel while turning off the cold-air blowing through the balloon. It's sudden that the balloon deflated and plummeted straight down towards the ocean. He held onto the steering wheel, losing the huge balloon on the way down. The cold-air balloon crashed through the water, floating only just a moment before sinking. Guy climbed up to the tip part of the vehicle and gazed down at it with a deep sigh in relief. When Guy was about to hop into the water, someone just popped out of the water and pushed him into the ocean.

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