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Percy felt relieved as he flashed to his lovely Annabeth. He had finally gotten roof his pent up rage. The Primordial flashed into the Big House with a cheerful smile that quickly slid off as his mind processed what was going on.

Chiron was staring blankly at a wall, his eyes dead and hollow. He seemed to be reconsidering the reason of his existence. Percy was pretty sure Annabeth called it a midlife crisis or something of that sort. 

Rachel was curled up in a foetal position, rocking to and fro as she emitted the familiar green smoke that always seemed to follow the Oracle of Delphi. She was muttering something under her breath that Percy decided to ignore.

Grover was the biggest mess of them all. He had started biting his nails until they started bleeding. Then he had gone ahead and started eating all the furniture in his stress. Percy noticed uneasily that Chiron's Frank Sinatra Collection was also currently finding its way inside Grover's stomach and winced, hoping he wouldn't have to witness Chiron's horror when he funds out about his beloved music collection.

And then there was Annabeth who was standing at a corner, petting Seymour the leopard's head exasperatedly and looking annoyed as though she was going to judo flip him for leaving her alone to explain everything. 

Percy knew his Wise Girl and realised that he would he to stay low for a while until Annabeth's bad mood passes. He quietly left the room, making a dash for his mother's place in Manhattan.

Who cares that his Dad, Chaos, wants him back now? Surely he can wait a little longer? 

Thinking this,Percy flashed away before coming back with his true creator, the author.

The girl had refused to leave her home and had be flashed in unwillingly. The Indian glared at the Percy before sighing. 

"Fine Perseus! I'll say sorry! Greetings. I am the author. My name is Aditi. Sorry, my wonderful readers. (And Percy the brat). I haven't had any other chance to prank anyone so I decided to prank y'all." 

Anyway, Happy April Fools!

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