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By sunset, they were in front of the Big House.

"Hey." Percy greeted awkwardly. Grover immediately launched himself at Percy and hugged him like there was no tomorrow. 

"I will miss you too G-Man. Glad you got my message.", Percy whispered into Grover's ear while hugging him just as tightly.

Rachel was looking at him with wide, fearful eyes. " Don't worry Delphi", Percy said, trying to reassure the Oracle while chuckling, "You are safe from my wrath. You can thank your host Rachel for that.But I forbid you from warning the Fates."

Chiron was about to ask Percy what he meant when he caught Annabeth's eyes pleading him to not bring up the subject.

"Calm down, Seaweed Brain. You can hunt them down afterwards, ok? Besides, I am looking forward to meeting your sister." Annabeth said, placating the primordial-in-disguise. 

"Fine." Percy relented, sulking before he started explaining.

"You all know how lazy I am, so I will just let a bit of my essence explain everything. Also, I am sorry Wisegirl but we will be visiting the Fates after this. Afterall, you need to know what your domains are." Percy told Annabeth, before a colorful mist formed from his left hand, the kind you would see in galaxies. 

It entered Chiron, Grover and Rachel, causing them to faint. Percy made couches right as they collapsed.

"They will take some time to wake up." Percy informed Annabeth."Now, where next? Ah yes. The Fates!" Percy's eyes turned into a swirling storm and the temperature dropped drastically as he mentioned The Fates.

Annabeth felt a sudden sympathy for what was in store for The Fates. 

"Shall we, milady?" Percy asked, his eyes glinting demonically and his pearly white teeth sharpening into canines.

'Well.....They deserve what is coming anyway.' Annabeth told herself as she took Percy's hand with a smile.

* Timeskip *

Percy can be.....scary. That's all Annabeth could say. She ferverently hoped no one made Percy angry ever again. Although, she did have her suspiscions that Percy had been holding back both his powers and his anger for far too long, as their time in Tartarus had proved. 

Her ADHD made her randomly wonder, 'Would The Fates ever get over their fear of her husband?'Annabeth highly doubted it.

 Sitting on a couch and waiting for the three unconscious people in the room to wake up, Annabeth thought back to their meeting with The Fates. 

Perseus the PrimordialWhere stories live. Discover now