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Thank you so much @FlabbergastedBanana for being the first reader to vote my story. This means a lot to me! BTW please check out "Raging Seas", "Heir of Chaos" and "Blame It On The Stars by FlabbergastedBanana (These are some of the works I consider his/her best. FYI: I am soo sorry I don't know your gender! *cowering with embarrassment*


 The couple had been happy as they fell asleep in each other's arms.

That is until Annabeth felt Percy fidget uncomfortably in his sleep.

Annabeth had opened her eyes, expecting to see a Percy scared from a nightmare or a vision but what she saw instead made her gasp. 

The previously darkroom was starting to glow. Annabeth was starting to panic when she realized that the white glow was coming from Percy. He was wheezing for breath and flickering. 

Galaxies started popping up in his usually windswept, messy raven hair. Percy's skin, which was tanned, was now glowing white. His features looked more defined and Annabeth could feel that his muscles were slightly stronger than they used to be. All in all, he looked Godly.

His hands were going around blindly, trying to find Annabeth but failing miserably. Percy's eyes immediately flashed open but they were no longer its sea green color. Instead, they looked more powerful, mysterious and captivating than before. They flashed different colors, like Piper's but the difference was that you could actually see the colors blend and change colors in Percy's eyes. They were glazed and darting from side to side at a dizzying rate, as though he couldn't see Annabeth.

"Percy?" Annabeth whispered, fear gripping her heart at seeing her beloved in pain. "Percy, please. Tell me what's wrong. Percy, please be alright. Please, please, please" She whispered, tears threatening to spill from her stormy grey eyes.

"Annabeth." Percy started muttering deliriously. "Wise girl. Mom. Dad. Paul. Poseidon. Chaos. Creation.Little Sister. Promise. Ah-Ri. Family. Soulmate. No. Annabeth. Won't leave Annabeth. Can't leave Annabeth. No no no no no. Please. I love her. Please." Percy was begging with a heartbroken look on his face and tears spilling out of his eyes.

"No. Please." Percy whispered in agony, " I didn't remember Father. I need her. She can control me. I need her. We all need her. Wisegirl. I need my Wisegirl,"

"Annabeth" Percy gasped with relief as his eyes finally focused on his wife. "Don't worry Annabeth. I am not dying. I'll tell you in the morning. Not now, Wise girl. I love you Wise girl. Always know that. I am talking to Dad right now."

Then he went back into his trance but Annabeth gave a sigh of relief. Percy didn't seem to be in pain anymore. He seemed angry instead. "No Dad." He said, his voice sounding more ancient, older and powerful now. " I can't leave my Wise girl. My Annabeth. My love. My wife. My soulmate. "

Annabeth was too shocked to process everything clearly. 

Percy's expression had shifted to one of shock and disbelief as he screeched, "She did WHAT?! Oh for Chaos' sake! I told her I would be back!! Oh Ah-Ri, why? Why didn't anyone stop her?!"

He looked exasperated now, " Yeah, because SHE is older and more powerful than me, huh? Yes, I'll find her."

" She lost her memories? Saw it coming. In another dimension?! Ugh! Shifting through dimensions?! Its gonna take AGES to find that adorable little idiot again!!"

He started grumbling with a sour look on his face. " Just wait till I find you." He gave a dark un-Percy-ish grin that sent an involuntary shiver through Annabeth's spine. "I will be pranking you relentlessly for the next millennia.  You just wait. If you act so recklessly again, I'll turn you into a pet hamster for Annabeth for a week."

"Fine Father. I'll find her. No. My Wisegirl is coming with me. Wait a minute. WHAT?!"

Percy looked panicked now. " I am regaining my powers NOW?! NO! DAD! Annabeth's with me right now!! She'll get hurt!! I was SLEEPING, DAD! HOW OLD DO YOU THINK I AM?! I am 21 according to Earth years. Finally remembered, huh? What will we do? You are turning her immortal too? Well.......I don't know.....Good point. I can't lose her.  She doesn't know anything yet. Just let me warn her. Try to delay my powers from reaching me."

Percy focused his hypnotic glowing sea-green eyes on Annabeth's stormy grey ones.

" I am so sorry, Annabeth. I am made of pure magic. I had lost my memories 21 years ago before I came to Earth. I only regained them right now. I hope you will forgive me. My actual parents are Chaos and Creation. He is going to make you an immortal right now along with giving me back my powers."

Percy was starting to glow brighter. His hair was starting to float with galaxies. his skin was turning a glowing white. His eyes were starting to flicker from its usual sea green shade. Annabeth made her decision with no hesitation. If Percy was never going to die, neither was she. She was not going to lose her Seaweed Brain to death. 

"Yes," Annabeth whispered, gazing into Percy's everchanging eyes. She may not have realized this, but her answer had made Percy happier than he had ever been.

They held each other's gaze as they both were covered by spheres of glowing light, whispering "Milord!" and "Milady!" in joyous voices. They felt power course through their veins. The whole cottage was glowing now, along with the air servants. Slowly, the light disappeared, leaving behind a power flux felt by every immortal and a knocked out Percy lying on their bed, with a sleeping Annabeth lying across his chest.

It was as though nothing had happened. Only Hestia knew something had changed. Percy's hearth was a personal link to Hestia, and Hestia had felt the power fluxation. She had immediately rushed to check on the only being who respected her and considered her a friend. 

On her arrival, she had seen the couple asleep on their bed. She was about to leave when Percy's body started shimmering. She watched in fascination as a colorful mist seemed to form from Percy's body and travel out of the window. 

Nothing made sense. All Hestia could do was sit in her Hearth, continuing to look at the couple with a shocked look on her face and wide eyes.

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