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Putting a hand on Percy's bare chest to calm him down, Annabeth whispered, " Let's get dressed Seaweed Brain. " Giving a nod in agreement, Percy picked Annabeth up bridal style as he got off their bed and muttered with an adoring grin, " Let's get dressed."

Grover had had a very good day. Until he fell asleep, it had been a very peaceful day. It was his best friend Percy's birthday too! He could feel the seemingly endless amount of happiness leaking out of their empathy link. It was amusing yet also sad that ever since Percy was 12, it was at the age of 21 that Grover felt this much happiness from Percy for the first time.

The day had gone amazingly well. It seemed as though everything was doing whatever they could to make sure the Hero would enjoy his birthday. Yes, he said everything, not everyone. The sea was calm and joyful for their master and the plants seemed to be doing their best to make sure everything went well. The older nymphs, dryads and other forest creatures had set up a secret border patrol to ward off the monsters. But oddly enough, the monsters seemed to scared to even attempt to disturb the tranquility in the air. A monster had run away sneakily whimpering in fear after it brought an 8-year-old demigod, who had wandered off and got lost, back to the party. Grover had also noticed that when a wooden table was about to break on little Emma, a daughter of Aphrodite who had been hiding there during a kids round of hide and seek, a little dryad had appeared, her face scrunched up in concentration as she made the wood fix itself before disappearing with a relieved look on her face.

Percy's happiness had distracted him so badly that he hadn't given these strange incidents another thought until he was on his bed with Juniper by his side. A dream had been what alerted Grover's mind back to what had happened.

*Dream Scene*

Grover was at the lake at Camp Half-Blood. 'Percy's favorite thinking spot.' Grover thought as he gazed at the lake's surface, which shined like a sheet of silver in the moon's glow. He took in a deep breath, taking in the peacefulness his surroundings radiated. As he sat down, he realized that someone familiar was already sitting right next to him.

"It's nice, isn't it? Just sitting down with your best friend and enjoying the beauty of nature in peaceful silence." Percy said, his voice filled with longing. He had a look in his eyes that Grover had never got to see before, a look that said that he was at peace with the world. It was a look Grover wished he could see at least once more on Percy. But Grover couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Percy's voice. It sounded like it belonged to an ancient being, his rich voice full of unimaginable power. It sounded so soothing yet seemed to hide millennia of secrets and memories. Grover gasped as Percy's body started to glow, so blindingly that he turned away and closed his eyes. When the light had dimmed, Grover gasped. 

Sitting in front of him was a man that resembled Percy but at the same time did not. His eyes, which used to glow a sea-green color, now looked as though it contained galaxies inside it. His unruly messy black hair was now long enough to reach his shoulders, a beautiful crown made of precious stones gleaming with power placed gently amidst his raven curls. You could see stars and planets passing through his hair, the color so dark it seemed to blend with the shadows and the night sky. His usually tanned skin had a white glow to it. He wore ancient greek robes, decorated with what seemed to be live space. Grover had a feeling that if he ever touched the cloth, his hand would go through it and crash a few stars and planets. His face looked regal and timeless, he could have been 5 or 50 and looked just the same. But the biggest difference was in his aura. It was so powerful that everything seemed to be drawn towards this being, even his soul. As he looked around, he realized that everything had created a colorful trail and seemed to flow and swirl around Percy. It was like standing in front of an ancient void, full of mystery and power. A being older than the Gods and Titans, born during the beginning of creation and life.

"Shocked, G-man?" Galaxy Percy asked, trying to stop his lips from forming an amused smile.

"Percy?" Grover asked, shocked.

"Yeah. I am the TRUE Perseus, Grover. You are actually the first to witness my true form. Not even Mother and Father have seen it yet." Percy said, his voice sounding ancient, wise, powerful and melancholy.

"What do you mean, 'the TRUE Perseus'?" Grover asked, confused.

Galaxy Percy gave another sad chuckle. " You'll see, Goat Boy." He sighed sadly, his eyes suddenly serious as he stared at Grover. "Wisegirl and I will be leaving soon, Grover. I wish Father gave me more time. At least I got to make friends." He smiled reassuringly at Grover as he saw his expression. "Oh, I am not planning to die anytime soon, G-man. I may look a little different though." Percy said, while muttering under his breath, "It's not like I could actually die." 

Grover was pretty sure he wasn't supposed to hear that. Then his mind fully processed what Percy had just said. " What do you mean you two are leaving?!' Grover asked, starting to panic at the thought of his two best friends leaving forever.

Percy smiled sadly, " I was never part mortal, Grover. As much as I respect and care about Sally, Paul & Poseidon, they are not my true parents. I want you to thank them for being such good parents to me. And you can tell Estelle that I'll be back one day."

We stood up and Percy seemed to glow even more as he spoke, " Let me reintroduce myself, Lord of the Wild. I am Perseus, firstborn and bloodborne son of Chaos & Creation, elder brother of Ah-Ri, Prince & Heir of the Universe, Primordial of Power, Peace, Insanity, Swordsmanship, Revenge, Goodness, Justice, Purity, Cruelty, Loyalty, Gender, Fusion, Fear, Love and Hidden Capabilities. The Bane of Evil and Holder of Light and Hope. Yes, I know I have too many domains. I was lost, floating around the Universe after my birth, taken away from my original home right before I could gain my titles, thus leading to me absorbing what all Rivers of Domains I had encountered, I am the True Master of the Rivers and ultimately, Life.  Just remember G-Man, you are the best friend I could ever have."

The light suddenly grew blinding and Grover woke upright with a gasp.

*Dream ends*

Percy's voice kept ringing in his ears. Grover calmed down and whispered softly, "You are my best friend too, Perce. Mine too." 

Juniper was still asleep. Grover got up from their bed, careful not to wake his wife. He couldn't sleep anymore. A part of him hoped that the dream was just a stupid meaningless dream, but Grover knew better.

*A few hours later*

Juniper had woken up to find Grover staring at a window with a devastating lost expression on his face. The only thing she could get out of him were the words, " You'll see by the end of the day". The emotionless, almost robotic voice that Grover used sent a chill up her spine and a feeling of unease in the nymph, but she dismissed the feeling as a figment of her imagination.

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