"Hey Mia, woah what happened? Are you ok?" I asked trying to sound as innocent as possible. Which was what I so completely wasn't.

"Gabe over here is breaking up with me. He says I cheated on him. Like really? And I'm saying so did he!" Mia screamed at me. I winced at the volume. Like screaming is not nessasary so why must you scream?

"I don't know what your talking about" I said starting to worry. Did I sound convincing?

"Ooh Mandy! Tell him I didn't cheat" she cried into my shoulder. Oh shit no. What am I suppose to do? HELP!.

"I I can't say that Mia", I said softly.

"What?' she said wiping her tears away.

"I can't lie to some one Mia. I know you did" I said softer so only she heard.

"Well, you better not tell him that", she snarled at me, "Or your life is over cousin", she warned. Is she kidding me? My own cousin, blackmailing me? I didn't do no wrong.

"You are kidding me right? Are you threatening me Mia", I taunted back. She isn't the only cousin who could act bitchy. If she wants to play; then it's on like Donkey Kong.

"You better have not told him you saw or I will get you back", she said in a low evil voice. I rolled my eyes, then I had an idea.

"Ooh Mia, who has been feeding you these lies" I said loudly, "Who do you think told him chica. I did! I told him I took a picture and showed him. What are you going to do Mia?" I said screaming it out now. I felt so boss right now. I could do anything. Then I saw Mia clench her fist. I smirked at her. HTen she threw it at me. As fast as lightening I caught the fist right before it hit me. She looked at me with wide eyes.

I twisted the fist in my hand so now I was holding it behind her back. I then put my mouth next to her ear. I smirked.

"I won Mia. Give up already. Come on, don't say you didn't see this coming", I snarled feeling bitchy myself.

"Please Mandy. You won this but you think he would realy date you? Look at you Mandy. Your just a fat, talent-less, personality-less tiny girl. And you will always be that nerdy loser fat assed cousin that no one loves!!", she screamed out.

I dropped her arm instantly. I stepped back and looked at the ground. Then up at Mia whose face had changed. I felt everything blur. I ripped my glasses off and deperately tried to dry my eyes.

"Mandy I didn't mean it like that", Mia said about to grab my shoulders but I was faster. I turned my heels and ran. I dropped my glasses, my outfit and my phone. I dropped every thing and ran. I don't care where I'm going but I want to be alone. I shoved open the door and saw that it was about to rain. But who gives a shit right now.

"Amanda! Amanda! Wait!" I heard a voice say. I didn't want to. I shouldn't have stopped but I did. Stupid stupid stupid stupid really Amanda?

Then I saw that it was Gabe. Of all people it had to be him. But part of me was relieved the other...terrified.

"What's wrong? You didn't do anything wrong. She did. Mandy you did the right thing", Gabe said trying to catch his breath. I kept silent, he doesn't need to know anything.

"Amanda you don't honestly believe her right? You know she is lying right? She is just jealous", he said so surely. He can't be that sure of himself. Maybe he is the dilusional one.

"Jealous of what Gabe? She has everything. I am just me. I am just normal average, she is...perfect!" I cried, the tears streaming down my face again. Gabe took a step closer to me and held his hands out. I feel so stupid, crying infront of him again. But I'm glad it's him and not my sister-in-law or Mia. So I threw myself into his arms and just cried. Letting all my tears out. It felt better it felt alright, like it would be. But I knew the worse was yet to come.

"Mandy, that's what makes you perfect. The fact that you aren't. There is a reason that I don't like Mia. SHe is so..Mia. I like normal average everyday girls. But you are more than that. You are amazing. Why do you think that she is better than you?" he questioned, breathing into my hair. I buried my head into his chest. He took his hand and started to run his hand through it. I was so soothing that my tears actually, stopped.

"Gabe", I mumbled against his chest.


"Do you really think so? You really think that I can ever compare to Mia?" I asked.

"Of course you can. Because you already did", he said smiling at me, pulling my head away from his chest to stare at him. I still wasn't so sure.

"Hey there is something that I have to tell you" he said still running his hand through my hair. But now he was smiling at me fully while moving my bangs out of the way. He took my hand and lead me over to a bench. He sat down beside me. And pulled out an ipod. I looked at him confused, then he held an earphone out to me. I took it and put in into my ear. Then I heard music playing. It was beautiful, then I remembered where I heard it before. It was just music to some people. But not to Lizzie, Suhy and I. To us it was luxury. It was One Direction's Little Things. But I realise that it was just the music not the words. THen I heard the words, coming from Gabe and how beautiful it was.

Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me,

But bare this in mind it was meant to be,

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks,

And it all makes sense to me,

Wow oh wow. These boys really know how to impresse a girl. I knew that he knew I loved One Direction and that this is exactly the way to get to my heart; and Gabe certainly got there.

And I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth,

But if I do,

It's you, It's you,

They add up to,

And I'm in love with you,

And all your little things.

The way he sung this to me made me believe it. He made me really believe that I was alright, and better then average. It made me feel special and I liked that feeling. I was so glad that Gabe gave me that. I looked at him and smiled. I was lucky. To have this life, and every one in it.

Mia couldn't tear me down with a million things. I had Gabe now and she can't take him away from me.

20 days until Sunsetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें