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When money lost momentum,
And the bills were piling high
Then the smile had finally faded,
From the apple of their eye.
They were young and independent,
And they thought they had it planned.
Should have known right from the start
You can't predict the end.
-Panic! At The Disco-Memories
A/N: thanks to my bestfriend for showing me a song that reminded her of Jemmy♡♡


"Thanks for letting me see him." Rushing said as I sat down across from him. "Your welcome, he's sleeping right now." I said lifting Bryson from the baby carrier.

"Hes so precious. He looks so much like you.!" He told me. "I think he looks like Cher...."I said looking down at the sleeping baby in my arms. Rushing smiled. "He does." He laughs, tears in his eyes.

"I miss him. I miss you...." he told me. I smiled lightly. "Im going to counseling now." He added. "Thats great Rush!"

"Yeah. Im hoping one day you'll atleast let me see him more."

"You know he sees Brandon as a dad." I said. "Bradon didn't want you coming here did he?" Rushing asked. I shrugged. "Flawsy...."

"You raped me Rushing. You've beaten me and you've hurt me. I always told myself 'Im the one that kept him going, the one he loved, the one that turned him on.' But no! That was her! My fucking sister did that for you! I was another charm on your bracelet made out of girls you've fucked and you think that just because you're getting better that ill let you see Bryson? That im still in love with you?" I asked.

"Flawsy, I didn't know I could love until I met Cherish, and I didn't know I could care about someone so much until I met you and then you gave me Bryson, someome I loved and cared about so much. And now that I'm getting better I realise I do love you Flawsy and I know you love me too. But I don't expect you to take me back and thats why I have Maira, I care for her too. A lot. And I didn't mean to get her pregnant, I didn't it while I was messed up and I'm going to try my best to be in my baby girls life, same with Bryson."

I stared blankly at him for a moment. "Okay." I said. Bryson started to wake up from his nap. He barely stayed asleep last night.

"Hi baby boy." I said kissing his forhead. Every time Bryson looked at me it looked like Rushings eyes were looking into mine. His eyes weren't a dark blue like mine they were a light blue like Rushings.

"Mamamamama." He babbled. I giggled. "Look." I said pointing to Rushing. "Dada." I whispered in his ear, he didn't know how to babble that yet. "Dadadada." He said reaching out for Rushing.

Rushings eyes lit up.

"Hi baby." He smiled taking Bryson in his arms. Usually if anyone besides me and Brandon held Bryson he'd start bawling but that didn't happen with Rushing. He giggled at him and made gurgling noises trying to talk as if I was holding him.

"I love you Bry, so much." He whispered. "I won't let anyone hurt you and no touching girls till your 50 cause all they do is hurt you." He laughed looking up at me. "Shut up." I laughed. 

Rushing and Bryson bonded so well,  so quickly it shocked me. Bryson doesn't know Rushing well and vise versa, but they act like that they've known eachother for the whole 9 months of Brysons life.

"Mammamam." He whined reaching out for me. (A/N: yes babies are this active 8-11 months, they start babbling and walking just incase you thought I was Rushing this, no pun intended.)

"I better get him home, hes probably hungery and Brandon is probably wondering where we are." I said. "Yeah Maira is probably wondering the same about me, I was suppose to bring het chocolate cake an hour ago, pregnancy cravings." He chuckled.

I felt sort of jelous because Rushing did nothing but fuck girls when I was pregnant.

"Right...You'll call me?" I asked. He nods before leaving.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked Endy. "I want to know who my dad is." She said. "Well it could be your actual dad, you know the one who's last name you had?" I said. "Really?"

I nod.

"Mom how did this even happen?" I asked. I sighed laying down on her bed and staring at the ceiling.

"I loved a man so much, but was afraid to admit it. It was like a constant routine with this guy since I was twenty one years old. We'd fight, break up, have a kid, make up, fight again, and it was a never ending cycle." I said. "I get it." She replied.

"Well one day I wanted to piss him off, so I slept with someone else. This guy named Jack. I didn't even really like him and having sex with him made me sick to my stomach." I told her.

"So you didn't enjoy him?" She asked. I shook my head. "He was disgusting. He beat me afterwards because I wanted to go home. I had two little girls to tend to and Joey was probably out drinking and left your sisters at Sawyers. So I left once he decided I was hurt enough." I pause to let out a sob.

"When I got home, Joey was there, he saw the bruises on my back that night and that's when we well slept together. It was great, it was the first love I've really gotten from him in forever and I loved it, I love him." (Who even remembers that time she had bruises on her back (IT was more than once.))

"But no matter what Endless I love you. We all do and you weren't a mistake, you are perfect." I told her. "Than why do I feel so imperfect?" She asked.

"Because you feel like you weren't wanted. But when I figured out I was pregnant I was so happy, Flawsy and Cherry weren't but I was because I knew you were something special." I said wiping tears from my eyes.

"So will you let me get tested?" She asked wiping her eyes aswell. I nod. "If thats what you want."

"It's all I want."


A/n: I changed who plays Matty again xD I promise this Is the last time but I changed it to Colin Ford cause hes cute and its how I picture Matty in a few years. (Pic above)


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