11-Picture Perfect

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You lived your life like you were on fire, But how could I dance when your soul just lifted me higher?
-Escape the fate-Picture Perfect


Today I decided I'd tell Matty, Endy, and Flawsy about me....losing my mind.

I didn't want to tell the twins because I knew they wouldn't understand and when they are finally the age to understand, I'll already be gone.

I called Flawsy and she told me she had something to tell me aswell.

Id probably forget it tomorrow.

I was waiting on Flawsy to get ready and get here so I decided to write Joey a letter.

'Dear Joey,

Im leaving you a reminded because over the past few weeks you have left me many. Even though your brain isn't dying off, Its still good to have little reminders. I remember when we were younger and I'd always have to remind you little things like button up your shirt or don't forget to change Cherry after every nap. Its funny how the tables have turned. Now you have to remind me that Cherry is dead. Ill be able to hold her again soon. Every day you keep telling me that Im not dying but the doctors say other wise. Ill be gone by forty and im at thirty seven. I want to remind you that once Im gone, you're not dying. Joey Graceffa I believe that you can get through this. I want you to take care of our babies and find a new girl and be happy with. And one day when you join me in the sky you can tell me all about it. Im not going to die as soon as my memory leaves me, but it'll seem like I am. One hit Joey. One drink Joey. One love Joey. All of it killed me. But you my love, you didn't kill me. I just wanted to remind you that. And every time that you think you can't make it out here in this cruel world without your girl, just read this. And always remember that I'll never forget you. I love you

I folded up the letter and put it in my desk drawer.

"Mom Im here!" I hear the voice of Flawsy ring through the house. I wipe my eyes and walk in the living room to greet her.

"Hey babe." I smiled embracing her. Her stomach looked a little pudgy. "Is this a baby I see?" I asked. She nodded. "Twins." "Congratulations sweetheart.!"

She smiled.

"Where's Bryson?"

"Rushing wanted to see him for his birthday."

"Tell Bryson I said happy birthday."

I sat her down and told the other two to come in.

"Can this be quick? Im going to be late for soccer." Matty complained.

"Three babies and you're not even eighteen, look who out slutted mom." Endy joked. I felt a burn in the back of my throat when she said that. "At least mom and I can choose between boy and girl." Flawsy shot back.

"Okay girls Thats enough. What I need to tell you is important." I said. "Okay go ahead mom." Matty said.

"I don't want the three of you to be upset okay?"

All three heads nod. I look at the children me and Joey raised, they were so beautiful I didn't want to break their little hearts.

"Are you and dad getting a divorce?" Endy asked. I shook my head.

"I have dementia." I told them.

"Whats that?" Flawsy asked.

"Its where you start to forget. It's Alzheimer's for younger people." I exclaimed. They all were shocked. They didn't know what to say.

"A-are you gonna die mommy?" Matty chocked out. He was the biggest mommy's boy on the planet and I was the only one that knew that. I shook my head and opened my arms for him to lay in, he accepted and I cradled him.

"How long till your memory is gone completely?" Flawsy asked.

"Ill be forty." I said. "But you're so young mom. This cant be happening!" She cried. Endy just stood there blank faced.

Flawsy came over to me and hugged me.

"Will you forget us?" Endy asked. I looked over at her. I shook my head. "I could never forget my babies. But if I do I don't want you three to be scared. I want you to be brave and stick together, that goes for your little sisters too, I want you all to be there for another. Can you do that for me?" They all nodded and Endy came and joined our group hug.

"I love you all so very much." I said, they all fell asleep like this eventually. I fell asleep aswell.

I knew this was going to be hard and I wasn't ready.


A/n: this made me sad omf.


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