5-Stockholm Syndrome

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Who's this man thats holding your hand and talking about your eyes?
Use to sing about being free but now hes changed his mind.
-One Direction-Stockholm Syndrome


The music was pumping in my ears as lights flickered on and off and people with glowsticks were jumping and dancing to a techno beat.

The room was neon lit and my rather showy white top was glowing.

I was with this girl named Tanner, I knew she wasn't the right person to be around but I didn't care. I was so tore up about the dad thing and somewhat Elizabeth that all I wanted to go was go to a rave.

I missed Ian though, his touch and his scent.

"Hey Endless?" Tanner asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I asked. "Can I check out your tongue?" She asked. I nod sticking it out. She layed a strip on my tongue, I felt it dissolve in my mouth.

"What is this?" I asked. "Your guess is as good as mine." She laughed before walking away.

Within minutes I was seeing stars.

I was scared because I didn't feel well. Ive been high off weed before but never anything else.

A little voice in my head was telling me to leave, so I did. I ran out of the club and an hour later I was at Ians.

I walked into his house to find him sitting on his couch in nothing but sweatpants.

He looked up at me, I was sweating and I was crying.

"Oh my god Endy whats wrong?"he asked panicked. "I went to a party and the music was like 'woo' and this girl gave me this Candy that dissolved in my mouth and I was like 'woah' now im here."

It was silent for a moment.

"You're high?" He asked. I nod. "And scared." I whsipered. "Oh baby girl, Lets get into some comfy clothes and into bed."

He helped me get changed into one of his t-shirts that was oversized.

"Do you just wanna cuddle baby?" He asked. I nod whimpering as I laid down on his bed making grabby hands twoards him. He chuckled.

"Don't worry, Im here." He whispered taking me in his arms, stroking my hair. "I love you and won't let anything hurt you."

I snuggled closer to him. "I love you Ian." And I really did. He was so good to me.

He kissed my forhead and hummed lightly as we both fell asleep.


I finally let Rushing have some time with Bryson. I decided I should stop being a bitch and just let Rushing have his time.

When I went to go drop him off Rishing saw my bruise.

"What the fuck is this?" He asked gesturing to my bruise. "A bruise."

"From what?" He asked. I stayed silent?

"He hit you?" He asked raising his voice. "He was drunk and its not like you havent beaten a girl!" I said. "Look I was fucked up on drugs and I never beat Cherry, I always threatened but never did it, but even thats terrible! I may of sexually abused both you and her but never physically!"

"Its only happened this one time." I lied. "Has he laid a hand on Bryson?" He asked. "No." I answered truthfully.

"I want to fucking kill him, look at your beautiful face black and blue! This looks terrible!"

"Okay Rushing I fucking get it! Ill pick up Bry later if anything goes wrong call me." I said leaving in a hurry.

I drove to Brandon and i's house. We needed to make up. I pulled into the driveway seeing his car here.

I opened the door.

"Brandon." I said. I saw a dress laying on the stairs.

"No. No. No." I cried praying he wasnt sleeping with someone. I walked into my bedroom, no one was there. The nursery, still no one.

But in the guest room I walked in on something.

"Brandon! What the fuck!" I yelled. He got startled and fell off the chick quickly putting on some sweat pants.

"I think you got the wrong twin sweetie." He said. He licked his lips and I saw the metal of a tongue piercing and realised he had brown hair, then I knew it was Brendon.

"Oh god im so sorry, do you know where Brandon is?" I asked. "I don't know, probably with Maycee." He shrugged.

"Maycee?" I asked. "His ex. You know Maycee, the Victoria Secret model?"

"Oh....yeah." I sighed. "They're probably talking about getting a better custody agreement arrangement."

"Custody agreement?" I asked. "They have a two year old daughter named Cassie. Did he not tell you?"

I shook my head, holding back tears.

"Oh well he'll be back soon, uhm you can wait here I guess if you don't mind the noise." He chuckled. "Or you could join." I rolled my eyes at the perverted guy. "No thanks..." I said. "What the fuck happened to your face blondie?" He asked.

I was silent.

"Oh god he lashed out on you too?" Brendon asked. I nod. "God this is exactly why him and Maycee dont work! I thought he quit drinking fuck I don't want him back in rehab."

Says the pill popper. I thought.

"Ill just be waiting in the living room."I said walking down stairs.

Who was Maycee? Who was Cass?

Who was Brandon?


A/N: I really like this idk.

Miracle Book:6Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora