16-The Crying Game

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Here we go again its the game we love. Sheets all over the floor and they laced with drugs. You ain't played your card right you had the ace of clubs, hit you with the ace of spades and your faced is shrugged.
-Nicki Minaj- The Crying Game


Waking up in Rushings bed naked reminded me of when I was fourteen, except this Time I was happy I woke up this way. There was nothing holding back my happiness.

I rolled over and looked at Rushing. He was still sleeping peacefully surrounded by a pool of sheets. My thumb traced over his lips as soft snores escaped them.

Cries of our baby boy starting to grow louder, I pretended I was asleep. I wanted to see how Rushing was with Bryson when I wasn't watching. I felt Rushing stir a bit before untangling his body from mine.

I snuggled deeper into his sheets and kept my eyes slightly closed. Rushing put on a pair of pants before going into to Brysons room to tend to him.

"Hello my boy." He smiled. I could see into Brysons room from where I was laying. Rushing lifted Bryson up from his crib.

"Let's get you some milk and then when mommy wakes up we can make the three of us breakfast."

Rushing walked downstairs with the baby in tow.

I decided to get up. I put on Rushings t-shirt and sweats I wore yesterday.

I walked down stairs.

"There's our sleeping beauty Bry."

"Moma" Bryson whined reaching out for me. "If you want moma you're gonna half to walk to me." I told him.

"I thought he could walk." Rushing said. "You have to help him. He takes a few steps on his own."

I walked over to Rushing and Bryson. I stood ten baby steps away from them.

Bryson was standing on his own two feet with the support of Rushing.

"Come to mommy Bry" I said reaching my arms out. He frowned a little not wanting to walk. "Please?" I asked.

He wobbled a little pushing off Rushing and walking twoards me.

He finally walked twoards me and fell into my arms. "Yay good job baby. Do you want a doughnut?" I asked.

"I don't have any." Rushing frowned. "Ill pick some up, I have to go to Brandons house and get somethings for Bryson and I." I informed. "Lets all go."

"I don't think thats a good idea Rushing."

"No, I'm going. Ill drive."

Rushing dressed himself with a shirt and I put an outfit of Bryson and we left.

I got nervous, Rushing has a history of lashing out on people and I didn't want this to be one of those moments.

We pulled up to a mansion Id probably miss the most from this relationship. It made me sound like a golddigger but whatever.

I walked in with Rushing, he was holding Bryson with one arm and holding hands with me.

I walked Into the house.

"Hello.?" I yelled. "Flawsy! Hey I was-" Brandon stopped when he saw Rushing standing next to me. "Whats he doing here?"

"Can I talk to you? Alone?" I asked. "Sure."

I took his hand and lead him upstairs. "Flawsy what the fuck is going on?" He asked. "Look, Brandon. I think we should break up."

"What? No why?" "Because im tired of being hit and....and you made me miscarriage two amazing babies! And you dont even really care! All you care about is weather Im going to leave you or not. So I'm leaving you with less worry, we're over."

"You're leaving me, and you're going to be with Rushing? The guy who raped you!?" He asked. "Hes going to therapy.! Bryson has his last name now and hes not a conceded asshole!"

"Fine just get your clothes and leave you stupid slut." He said. "Theres no reason you should call me a slut.." I mumbled.

"Cause you're sleeping with a dick! Flawsy he treats you like shit!"

"Better than you do."

"Thats not what you said while I was fucking you." He whispered. "Are you done harassing me?" I asked packing up me and Brysons stuff in suit cases."

"Yes you can leave"

We walked down stairs. Rushing was there feeding Bryson fruit snacks to tie him over till we got doughnuts.

"Hey Rushing, have fun with my sloppy secounds."Brandon chuckled. I knew this set Rushing off. He handed me Bryson.

'Please don't hit him." I thought. Rushing punched him, straight In the nose.

"Secounds? She was mine first! Im taking back my stolen left overs dumb ass." He laughed taking my hand and bags as we left.

"Rushing! You hit him." I said. "Sorry princess but he deserved it."

I look back at the house I use to call home and sighed.

"I guess he did."

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