8-Our Time Down Here

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Sneak out to the rooftop scene
Surrounded by such evil things
I won’t admit this but I hate it here
-Alive Like Me-Our Time Down Here


"Okay Cherry, do you want to wear the pink dress daddy got you?" I asked Remmy. "Cherry?" Endy asked. "What?" "You called Remmy Cherry."

"I did? Thats weird isn't it?" I laughed a little. "Kind of.." "I have to many kids, all of their names ending in Y." I laughed. Endy laughed a little to.

"Speaking of Cherry, can you go wake her up please?" I asked. Endy looked at me confused once more. "I wish I could but unfortunately its not that easy." She said.

Then I remembered Cherry was dead.

"Oh my god! Im sorry. I don't know where my head is today." I said. "Maybe you should take it easy. You might be sick." She informed. "Maybe..."

I sighed and finished putting the dress on Remmy. She giggled and reached up for me.

"Flawsy!" I yelled. Hoping she'd come out of her room to help me with the twins. "Mom, Flawsy doesn't live her." I looked down at a boy, he was mine but I couldn't remember his name. "Right...." I answered trying to think. Its like my mind was trying to re set its self.

"Matty!" I said finally remembering. He looked at me funny before walking away.

I sat Remmy down on the floor and let her walk around with Miry for a little bit while I tried to get my mind straight.

Joey walked through the door.

"Hows my beautiful wife this morning?" He asked pecking my lips. Wife?

"Fine." I said blushing. "Where'd you go?" I asked. "Just outside to walk the dog. Can't believe you still have that little puppy Sawyer gave you."

I couldn't believe it either. That dog was to cute to give up.

"Have any plans today babe?" He asked. "I might go to the doctors, I think im coming down with something. Then Im checking up with my life coach, like I do everyday." I said. "Do you want me to come?"

I shook my head.

"Ill be fine." I promised.

-later that day-

"So you said your main problems were memory loss?" The doctor adds. I nod. "Ive been forgetting things since around Halloween. I just cant remember."

"Are you confused a lot?" He asked. I nod. "All the time. Im dizzy as well." I said.

"Well... I have news that I want you to lightly okay?" He asked. "Okay." I nod taking a deep breath.

"Im afraid that you're showing early signs of Dementia." He told me. I got confused. "Whats that?" I asked. "Its like Alzheimer's but your younger. It takes your memory slower but you'll end up forgetting everything soon."

My jaw fell open.

"No! There has to be something else! This has to be something else anything else! I have My husband and five kids who cant afford to have a mother without a brain!"

"Im deeply sorry Mrs.Graceffa. I advise you tell someone who can help you. I want to keep track of you so I'll check up with you every month." He said.

"Miss.Locke." I corrected. "You're married to Joey Graceffa. So that makes you Mrs. Emilee Graceffa correct?"

I kept getting confused. I started crying.  "I don't know! I don't know whats happening!" I bawled.

"I don't advise you drive yourself home. Is there someone you can call?"

I nod.

I call Joey and he instantly came to my rescue. Now I knew I had to explain this all to him.

"Are you okay baby?" He asked. I shrugged. "Ive some fucking dumb memory loss shit!" I yelled. We were in the waiting room and I didn't give a fuck who was staring at me.

The doctor gave Joey the whole rundown of what was wrong with me and I watched as his face turned pale. The doctor gave Joey a piece of paper and walked off.

He took my into his arms.

"Tell me im dreaming." "I wish..." I whispered. "I cant loose you Emmy! I can't loose you and Cherry?! Whos next Endy? Flawsy!?"

"Stop talking like that please." I said. "Sorry Im just so god damn frustrated!" He screamed and knocked a waiting room chair over. Soon security asked us to leave.

That night Joey did nothing but held me close. I cried myself to sleep that night, knowing that when I wake up it'd be worse. That tomorrow I could look in the mirror and wonder who that was staring back at me.


A/n: if you're confused Emmy has a type of disease that has to do with memory loss. Day by day she forgets little things and one day she won't remember anything. She got it from the drugs she took and all her brain tumors in the past. This was a depressing chap and it sucked wow.


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