
879 24 5

dedicated to Ilse_is_a_penguin idk if I got that right, but Ty for the flood votes loveyou

"Damn, that was one tiring day. I need to hit the hay."

Twas already 2 am and me and Ash just got back home from shopping. I practically forced him since it was black friday and, we all know what happens at a mall during black friday.

It was a risk since, well it was in public and we all know what Ashton is, i really dont want to say it. Well, He might attract attention and we wouldnt like that.

"No shit Sherlock" he says after crashing on the bed next to me. We didnt even bother on taking off our shoes. Hah. Who does. Bags scattered on the floor. Pretty much a boy room, in a form of a hotel room.

"Oh shutup, that was a really good exercise, considering your lack of it"

"Hey, id like to think what I do up on that stage is exercise enough"

I scoff before saying " Banging those drums is an exercise?"

"Hey, turn it down a knotch, you dirty girl, you cant bang those drums." He smirks then laughs

Holy crap that didnt come out right

"Ew, screw you" I slap his arm.

He laughs.

He keeps laughing.

Hes still laughing

And damn i end up laughing as well.

And then we halt.

"Do you remember what it was like to be normal? You know, no one knew who you really were, just friends and relatives, do you?" I ask him while we both stare at the ceiling, trying to reminisc the past.

"Before all the attention? Yeah"

"Do you miss it?"


((Flashback babyyy))

"Al, hurry the fuck down" Ashton yells from downstairs.

"You really want me to cut off that swearing tongue of yours dont you Ashton?. Alli comedown honey, new school year remember?"

No, first day of school.

Why is the world so against me

"Ughh" is all that was needed to be said before I get up, fix my bed, bathe, get dressed and then go down for breakfast.

"Oatmeal and fruits" my mum serves our breakfast. I've heard shitloads of complains about how oatmeal is disgusting and icky and weird, while I find it satisfying.

"Do we have to live with this as our breakfast everyday?" My brother groans from the other end of the table.

"Well, you wouldn't have to if you worked for money and buy your own food" I say to him with a mouthful of kiwi.

"Well guess what Sherlock, I do work and earn my money, I just don't spend it on food"

"I would like to pretend that I don't know you"


"Because I can't believe that you wouldn't spend your money on good food. I would spend a million dollars on food if I won the lottery, well maybe some things for a makeover but trust me it's 90 percent food"


"Would you two shutup? I can't afford to be late this time" our mum bursts, and we continue to eat in silence.

I get up after eating my bowl clean and wash it in the kitchen before going up to brush my teeth.

I just love it how the toothpaste falls from the brush as it hits the water. I just love it. LOVE IT.

I go back down with my back pack and tied my hair since school policies. We get in the car and are driven to school.

"Be good" is dad's famous line as we arrive at the gates of the campus. We give them kisses goodbye and I prepare myself before entering the gates of school.



I left you guys hanging I'm so fucking sorry. I will still have to research on Australian school system in order to come up with a plot and storyline for the next chapter.

I did want to finish it but I think I haven't updated in so long and I hope this little, so fucking short update would somehow make up for it.

Ik this was kinda boring and unacceptable but PLS forgive me. But I would certainly like to thank u guys for getting this to 26k reads and 800+votes. , maybe to u guys it's not much but to me it is and thank u so much for that. AND we are so damn close to 27k jssmusu my next goal would be 28/30k so I hope we could get that soon

and it would be really nice if u would follow me here on wattpad and twitter.

My acc is fuckupstyles.

Next chapter will be dedicated to a new follower here on wattpad. 😻

Ily guys Ty so much

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