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We fix our hair and retouch a little bit. We head back outside and meet the rest. Remember when I said they dress like nerds and geeks? Well on second thought, khakis and cardigans are not bad. It's their facial disguise that intrigues me. They were not noticeable at all. I knew it was Ash when he asked me what was I doing there and his voice was so notable that it rang a bell.

"So if the four of them are our brothers and the rest of their band, so who's the extra five?"
Michelle asks from my side as we exit the ladies' room.

"I have no clue at all" I shake my head.

"So, we are heading to the hangout, you guys wanna come?" Luke, obviously, invites us , we gave nods since we had nothing better to do. So you might wonder if we know each other already, well yes. I told Ashton that Shelly already knows the four of them and except the extra five. He says he'll explain later if we go to the hangout. Michael doesn't know that his sister already knows him. Oh my.

The car ride was quite, tight. We were all compressed in the SUV.

We stop at the roadside of a forest. We all go down and follow the two boys. A few stumbles, trips and hits from branches we make our to a warm log cabin just by the lake. It's like a man's territory.

We enter the cozy cabin and sit on the cream couch.

"Ah finally!" A brunette boy expresses as all of them remove their masks. It's like their pulling on soft skin.

The four boys become evident as they remove their wigs.




And Luke.

The five boys who were strangers to us have removed their disguise fully except their costumes. Their faces become more and more familiar. I've seen them before.

"Oh. My. God. " Shelly widens her eyes. I look at her with wide eyes too. She was quite the sight.

"One Direction!" She doesn't scream but says in shock.

They all wave at us and smile warmly.

"Hello, so I don't think there would be any introductions since everyone knows who but incase, mates this is Alli and Michelle"

We smile and they do likewise.

After a short chat and a couple laughs, we oddly end up playing COD Ghosts for I don't know what reason. It's fun. Yeah.

After two rounds of COD, we find ourselves tired and hungry so we order some pizza.

We discuss things over dinner on a picnic blanket just a little further from the surface of the water.

"So what brought you guys to Australia?" I ask biting off the crust.

"We're preparing for the tour,Sydney was were our plane would last stop so after a week, We'd start the tour" Louis cordially explains. I give a nod of understanding.

"So since we're in Sydney, we decided to visit these buttheads" Niall says. And the four Aussies give off 'Awes' and we a laugh.

"But aren't you guys gonna be separated since you've already toured together?"

"Well for the first 60 shows, they would have to be with is then after that, we'd have to let them go and continue their tour"

I nod and a comfortable silence is enveloped as we eat and chew on dinner.

"Alli is coming with us in tour" Ash blurts out and breaks the silence.

"Oh really?" Liam questions and the rest of them look at me and the same question is engraved on their face.

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