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(Okay so, I am in my grandma's house and I am bored to death and there is no wifi. Apparently, my wattpad on my laptop is still on so I can still edit but can't publish so I plan on making this long. So you better love me. Bye xx

-SunkissStyles x)


Alli's P.O.V

Ugh. Have you ever...? Ugh never mind.

I keep saying 'Ugh'.



"Hey Als" Ashton approaches me with a towering height. We maybe twins, but we're total opposites.

"Hey" I smile back.

"Oh, A love letter I see?" He smirks while poking me with his new drumsticks.

"How can you tell?"

"Well you're all smiling while reading that thing in your hands" He states. Feeling smart.

"Your conclusion is wrong Mr. Einstein. I got a letter from Foremores University, they said I got an online scholarship" I say proud of my achievement.

"Oh, thats nice" He comments.

"What?" He says as he tilts his head in confusion with my reaction.

"You are being... me" I am new to this feeling, I swear. I dont remember the last time he has been nice to me and the things I have done.

"You are undeniably welcome" He says, head high.

"Ew, boogers" I say pointing at his tilted nose.

"No!" he defends

"Haha!" I laugh while pointing at him

"Ew, food chaps in your teeth" I hate his retaliations.

"No!" I defend too while coering my mouth while he covers his nose.

After we cleaned up our filthy selves, we crashed the couch and checked some flics on HBO and Star Movies.

"Hey Al." He makes a conversation.

"Mmm?" I ask through my popcorned mouth

"Are you in a relationship?"

This question nearly chokes me. Why would he ask that?

"Why? Are you planning to fix me with one of your mates? " sarcasm in my tone.

" Just wondering, and What? no. why would you think that?" He states.

Yeah, why would he think that? Hmmm?

"Well no." I say, frown and start to tear up.

I dont like my past when it comes to relationships. I had 2 and the last one was the most painful. It broke me to pieces but I dont know how much it broke him. I shattered to pieces and that was when I built my walls. I hid from everything. I didnt let anyone in, I had to trust that person.

I was played when I was 17. This jerk who I fell for, hard, played with me and broke me to pieces. Just because he was a jock, he thought he was a god or something and from that day on, I became aware of my stupidity.

Before I was the smiling carefree girl. I still am, only with my friends and the people I can feel comfortable and safe with. But to a stranger, I am the total opposite. I am not that welcoming to people, I often become cold and tough. They really need to earn my trust first.

I need to get out.

"Im going out for fresh air" I leave my brother as I hear an 'Okay' echo through the room.

I head upstairs to get changed. I wash my face so that I can re-do my make-up. I get changed into denim V-cut shorts, a black tee, black leather jacket , grey ripped stockings and black Doc Martens.

I know, you might think Edgy, Goth, Punkish. No its just so that I can avoid bastards. I know its weird. But if I am in the mood, I go for something lighter and more playful.

I grab my phone, wallet, beanie and Ray-bans. I semi jog down stairs and exit the door.

The breeze is cool and the street is semi-packed with teenagers and corporate people. I walk down a few blocks and arrive at the docks.

There are a few food stands and couples all lovey-dovey. Awe.

I have passed by boys who try to get my number but its always the same routine. I scare them away. If thats even the term for it. I buy a berry-bubblegum Ice cream and smiled at the way it looks. I continue walking until, I almost tripped on some ones foot. A bunch of laughs echo from the back and I trun around, to find skanky sluts laughing at heir acheivement.

"What the hell?" I say to them, stepping closer.

"Whoa, you should watch it clutz." Red head says and laughs are release from her company's pie hole.

"Watch it too, slutz" I try to say more silent but I am certified that they heard it.

"Excuse me?" Red head steps forward.

"You may go" I give way as if she wants to pass.

"Listen you little ass-" I stop her before she can finish her sentence.

I grab the colar, thingy of her shirt and pull her up with my fists.

"No, you listen you little shit. Dont even think of picking up on me because I wont be shitty hesistant to fuck and break your bones. I dont give a crap about the shit your talking about. So if i were you I would stay away" I warn her and she gives me a disgusted look. She planson retaliating, almost throwing a punch at me, but I quickly stop her.

"I Would'nt do that If I were you" A manly voice stops the bitch from trying to punch me with her free hand.

Who the hell?

I turn around and see...


Hey Ho! I gave a long chapter.. I think. So if you would like longer chapters please vote! Oohh. Alli shows her bad side ;)

Maybe I will double update :3

bye and ilove your arses :)*

-Sunkiss Styles

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