Chūnin Exams 4: Lost.

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While I was trying to find the tower I may or may not have gotten lost... Ok yeah, I got lost. But that's not important! You see, while I was flying around a noticed a sudden increase of fear that came with a very familiar Chakra signal. It was Sakura, her Chakra was empowering compared to Naruto's and Sasuke's so I decided to zoom towards her to see what's up. Their signals were so weak that they compared to civilians, so there's definitely something wrong. We may be taking the exams seperately but out of everyone on the team I've grown to like her the most. I'd even say that she's my best friend on the team so there's no way I'd leave her panicked and alone, and considering how the others are I need to help them now!


It took a few minutes but I finally found Sakura. When I got to her location she wasn't in good condition, she was littered with cuts and bruises while both Naruto and Sasuke are unconscious under the roots of a big tree. "Sakura! Are you guys ok?!" I asked as I revealed myself and go back to my standard mode. "Kiseki? Is that you?" Sakura yawned. She's clearly sleep deprived. When I got closer to the others I notice an ominous aura around Sasuke, and for once, I got chills down my spine. "Yeah, it's me. What happened?! You look like a mess!" I asked as Sakura struggled to stay awake. Sakura then started to fill me in on what happened which made me disappointed because I wasn't there. "To think that you went through all of that... And I couldn't do anything..." I muttered as the area around me started to freeze. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Ok, get some rest, you deserve it. I'll look over everyone k? I'll also set up some traps too." "Thanks Kiseki... You're the best." Yawned Sakura. "No problem. It's what friends are for." And with that, Sakura fell asleep next to the others.

After I put Sakura to sleep I started to set up some traps and sent some clones to keep watch. The traps are advanced traps derived from my clans secrets. They can differentiate between familiar and non familiar Chakra signatures. If an enemy comes and sets off a trap faerie like shapes start spewing out of the area and swarm around the opponent. The faeries don't really do anything but they radiate a large amount of blinding light that also notifies me of intruders. I also have traps that would lock the enemies in a Silver Blizzard genjutsu. After I finished setting up the traps I started to tend to the other's wounds. While I was cleaning Sasuke's wounds I noticed a mark on his neck which isn't supposed to be there. The mark kind of resembles his Sharingan because there are three black comma shaped marks in a circle.


After Sakura got some rest I decided to shake her awake so she can continue to tend to their wounds. I call back my clones and asked if they saw anything but I got nothing. I decided to dispel them so I can save all the Chakra I can. I don't care if I don't pass, right now my squad is my number one priority.

As I was keeping watch I noticed a malicious and spiteful chakra signature. (His clan allows him to be able to sense emotions off of chakra so he's able to sense better than the average shinobi.) I started to get ready for an ambush and start locating the opponents, but they suddenly started hiding their chakra extremely well and their emotion isn't strong enough to sense well. "Ice style..." I muttered. "Protective Snow Globe Jutsu!" I rapidly did the handsigns and slammed my hands on the ground making an igloo of ice surround us. I then took out some blankets from a scroll and handed them to Sakura. "Here, these are to make sure you and the guys don't freeze." I smiled. "Thanks! I'm honestly so glad that you're on our squad... We wouldn't have made it this far without you..." "Not a problem Sakura, we're a team, we're supposed to look out for eachother. Afterall, teamwork makes the Dreamworks!" Then out of nowhere she hugged me as I felt a part of my shirt get wet. "Don't cry Sakura, how do you think Sasuke will feel if he sees your pretty face getting ruined by those tears?" "Yeah! You're right!" She turned around and wiped her tears away. When she finished she instantly whipped back towards me and smiled. "Yeah! Thanks a lot Kiseki!" As I was going to say you're welcome the igloo shattered and dissolved into snow. "What a touching moment..." An annoying high pitched voice said. I turned around and saw those sound guys from the first exam. "Anyways give us Sasuke and we'll leave you guys alone. It shouldn't matter right? You'd then have a normal team of three!" The obnoxious voice chirped. "Sheesh... She's such a skank! But at least she kind of makes it work..." "Ehhhh..." "Yeah, you're right. I'd think she'd look better inside of a glacier." We all awkwardly stood there for a hot second which caused a pregnant silence. "Anyways just give us Sasuke and you won't get too hurt!" "Over my dead body..." "That can be arranged..." As we were about to brawl we were interrupted by a yell.


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