Dangerous Mission: Journey to the Land of Waves

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3rd person pov

"Sasuke, I'm at point B."

"Sakura, I'm at point C."

"Kiseki, I'm at point D."

"Naruto, I'm at point A believe it!"

"Your slow, Naruto." Said Kakashi.

"Okay squad 7, huh? The target has moved, follow it!"~Kakashi

"Over there."

"I'm ready, just give me the signal."~Naruto

"I'm ready too."~Sasuke

"So am I."~Sakura

"Same here."~Kiseki

"Okay... Now!"

"I got him, I got him!"~Naruto

"Can you verify a ribbon on his, right ear?"

"Affirmative, we got a positive ID."

"Alright, lost pet Torah captured. Mission accomplished."

"Can't we get a better mission then this?! I hate cats!"~Naruto

~☯️ Time Skip to Hokage Tower ☯️~

Kiseki's pov

We watched the poor cat Torah get smushed by her owner. Naruto was laughing at the cat saying he deserved it.

"Now, for squad 7 next mission we have several available tasks. Huh? Among them is babysitting the chief counselor's 3 year old, helping his wife with the shopping, digging up potatoes--"

"No! I don't want these little kid missions, I want an actual mission."

I started to tune out Iruka~Sensei scolding Naruto and lord hokage's explanation, because I already know this stuff. I noticed that the others weren't paying attention so I hummed a tune to get their attention.

While I was humming my necklace started glowing. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. So I told them to pay attention to the hokage.

"Thank you for paying attention Kiseki. Because at least one of you are." Said lord third.

"Of course Lord Hokage."

"You always lecture me like your my grandfather or something! I'm not that little brat that pulled pranks all the time anymore, I'm a ninja now and I want a ninja mission!" Naruto complained.

"So Naruto wants us to know that he's not a brat anymore, he's a former brat, and he wants a higher rank mission, so be it." Lord Hokage exclaimed.

Huhs and whats can be heard from Iruka~Sensei and squad 7, even I was shocked that he gave in so easily.

"You'll be bodyguards on a mission." He explained.

"Really? Yes! Who are we guarding? A princess? A feudal lord?--"

I cut Naruto off. "Naruto if we're guarding a princess or a feudal lord, that would be a B or A rank mission."

"I will show you know. Send in our visitor." Said Lord Hokage.

Then a really drunk old guy came into the room.

"What the? A bunch of little snot-nosed kids? And you the small one with the idiotic look on his face, do you really expect me to believe that you are a ninja?"

"Ahahahaha who's the little one with an idiotic look on his face? Uh huh?"

We all lined up next to Naruto, Sasuke being the tallest then me, then Sakura and finally Naruto being the shortest, Naruto got angry and tried to attack the drunk guy.

"I am Tazuna a master bridge builder, and I must return to my country. I'm building a bridge there that will change our world, now I expect you to take me back there safely, even if it means giving up your life."

"We shouldn't have to give up our lives, considering it's only a C rank mission, the worst that can happen on a C rank should just be getting attacked by bandits and robbers there should be no ninja battles in a C rank."

~~~~~~~☯️ Time Skip ☯️~~~~~~~

As we left the village Naruto got really excited because it was his first time leaving the village.

"Hey, am I supposed to entrust my life to this runt? He's a joke."

Naruto threw another fit, and was arguing with Tazuna... Again.

"Say, mr.Tazuna? Asked Sakura what is it? Your country is the land of waves, right?" "Yeah, what of it?"

"Kakashi~Sensei are there ninja in the land of waves?" "No, there are no ninja in the land of waves." While Kakashi~Sensei was explaining to Sakura about the shinobi villages, I started to tune out and payed attention to the area around us. I noticed a puddle which made me suspicious.

"Is that a puddle? Why would there be a puddle there it hasn't rained in weeks, and even if it did rain the sky shouldn't be clear and there should be more puddles on the path."

I shot Kakashi~Sensei a glance and he just gestured me to keep quiet for now, so I nodded as a reply.

Suddenly two enemy ninjas came out of the puddle and wrapped their chains around "Kakashi~Sensei" and ripped him apart. They were about to go after Naruto but I quickly ran over to Naruto and blocked there attacks with Perfect Storm (His Sword).

They both jumped back as they did they were about to use their chains again but Sasuke threw a shuriken to trap them both, I threw a kunai at where the kunai was to ensure that they can't move.

But they broke free and were about to attack Tazuna, Sakura and Sasuke untill Kakashi~Sensei appeared and knocked out the ninja.

"Excellent job Kiseki. Kakashi~Sensei praised as rubbed my head, and suddenly I feel my cheeks heat up. You to Sasuke very smooth, same goes for you Sakura."

"Oh and Naruto, sorry I didn't help you earlier I didn't think you would freeze up like that." Kakashi~Sensei half-heartedly apologies.

"Naruto?" I asked, "did you get a scratch? Because their claws have poison in them." I said calmly.

He looked at him panicking, and running around. I also watched him stab his hand with a kunai knife. My eyes widened about that, and Naruto made a speech that I didn't pay attention to. He then started panicking again, probably about him going to die from blood loss, so at that point I just ignored them, and sweat dropped at his childish behavior.

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