The perspective of happiness

Start from the beginning

The drive to the mansion was never too long.

She'd always make it there between 15-25 minutes, depending on traffic.

Once she arrived, she parked her car and climbed up the grey stone steps up to the large wooden doors.

"Morning Gabriel" she greets as she entered the atelier. 

No answer.

-hmmm that's surprising, Gabriel's usually downstairs by now. It's 8:15! He should have been awake 2 hours ago!-

She wondered around the atelier and through to the kitchen.

Still no sight of him.

-Whatever , he's probably still sleeping-

She made her way back to the atelier and began her long day.

Nathalie took out all of her files and pieces of paper and laid  them out on her desk for sorting.

She put the loose pieces of paper into one pile, the documents into another and sorted out all of the portfolios and files into alphabetical order.

There was a bunch of those selected documentations, assignments and files that were all addressed to Gabriel.

She organized all of those into a neat like for him and moved it out the way. She put them all on his desk and went back to composing emails and battling difficult clients.

Promptly at 12:37, gabriel came shuffling through into the atelier.

Nathalie looked up from her work and watched as her colleague made his way to his podium.

She waited a while, waiting for a greeting or at least a sign of acknowledgement.

But none of that occurred.

"Good afternoon sir" she emphasized.

"Good after- oh... I'm sorry Nathalie" he said as he saw her displeased look.

"I had a bit of difficulty waking up today" he said sheepishly

"You slept until 12:30?!"

"What , oh... no. I slept until 10 and then I decided I needed a bit of fresh air, so I made my way outside and took a stroll around the garden"

"Mister agreste, my apologies, but there is no way that your garden is so large that it takes you two and a half hours to walk around"

"I just took a break and sat down in the sunlight Nathalie, it's quite relaxing, you should try it"

"Gabriel. I would love to try and sit in the sun all day and not worry about my job, but that would prove to be rather difficult because my employer isn't here working when he is needed, resulting in me having to carry both of our workloads until he returns from his little morning stroll" she said with a bit of irritation.

Nathalie knew it wasn't for fresh air, it was just an excuse so he could mourn over the cold stone statue of his long dead wife.

But there was no point on getting angry with him, she should have expected something like this to happen sooner or later.

"I'm sorry Nathalie, I just wasn't in my head this morning" he said as he made his way over to her and rested a hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright, I'm sorry I reacted, it's just that their are so many deadlines and we can't afford to fall back, and maybe if we finish up here I'd be up for taking a 'stroll' in the garden" she smiled back at him.

"And lucky for you,I've had time to organize my files and I've already put a bunch of assessments, portfolios and file media on your desk this morning" she said excitedly which earned a groan from Gabriel as he made his way to his desk and looked through the large pile of work.

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