Chapter 14

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Trigger Warning: Death (💜)

     I start to make my way across the room. It's quite packed so I bumped into a bunch of people. I'm pretty sure my anxiety peaked once I got to the center of the crowd. I had no idea this many people worked for my father. It's kinda scary if you think about how many people could have helped kill Melanie.

     That thought alone helps me reach for the door knob. I grasp it just as someone pulls on my shoulder.

     "Where are you going?" My father asks, holding me in place.

     "N-no where, just need some f-fresh air." I lie. I was so close!

     "Don't lie to me, Deline. Where were you going?" He asks again, getting more aggressive and angry.

     I take a deep breath and look him in the eye. "I was going to a friend's house. I'm going to tell them what you did." I twist my arm free and jump out of the door and front steps.

     "Deline!" I hear multiple people call. One of them was defiantly my father's voice and the rest were probably my friend's voices.


     "I'm not coming back until they know. Now, leave me-" A loud bang cuts me off. I don't know what it was, but my body starts to get heavy. I start to fall and people are screaming.

     I can't move my head but I can hear footsteps moving towards me. They're coming from across the road so it's probably one of my friends they can help me!

     Another bang goes off and something falls beside me. I reach out and feel a bunch of knotted, fluffy-Carissa! It's her hair! A pang of pain courses through me as I start to sob. I know what the bang was. I was shot. And so was Carissa.

     The voices are fading in and out for me. People are calling our names. More people are moving towards us. I roll my head towards my house. My father's not there.

     Three more shots go off, one after the other. Blurs of all my friends hit the ground as my vision blacks out. How did this happen to me? Why did they take my friends lives, too? They did nothing! They aren't related to a murderer! I am...and I deserve this.

     Bye, Deline. Rest in peace.

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