Chapter 4

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     I walk around the block, enjoying the peace and quiet. I've always loved fall. That's just one of my preferences that I have in every life. Even if in some it aggravates my allergies.

     Dusty seems to be enjoying the walk, too. She keeps trying to run ahead which I either run forward a bit or pull her back in response.

     This crescent is actually quite beautiful and quiet in the fall. Of course, that's the only time I've also known this place. It's most likely always quiet, but the way the leaves slowly fade to an orange-yellow make an interesting picture. Speaking of, I grab my camera and snap a few shots of the trees and Dusty.

     About 10 minutes later I arrive back at Carissa's house. Yes, it took me 10 minutes to go around the whole crescent.

     Anyways, I walk up the driveway, following the sound of laughter. I turn the corner to a metal, white fence missing the gate. The backyard has a cement rectangle in front of the backdoor, covered in chalk drawings and potted plants. Past the cement is a large, black, rectangular trampoline.

     On it sits Carissa, her sisters and 2 new girls. One is a pale blond with grey-blue eyes. Her pimple and freckle ridden face is stretched into a happy smile as she laughs at whatever was said. The other is a peach brunette with her long hair pulled into a ponytail. Her hazelnut eyes are dancing with happiness as she watches the other laugh.

     Suddenly, the brunette looks up and we make brief eye contact. I panic and give a slight wave.

     "Carissa, who's that?" She asks, taping Carissa's shoulder.

     "Hm? Oh! Come on! This is Lauren!" Carissa points to the brunette who waves. "And this is Laiya!" The blond waves as well.

     "Hello! What's your name?" Laiya asks, loudly.

     "Uh, Deline...Deline Alter." I reply, stuttering. I was honestly ready for there to be a bunch of people, so it's surprising that's it's just Laiya and Lauren.

     "Wait, are you related to the guy that owns The Alters Canada?" Laiya asks.

     Lauren elbows her. "It's probably like Strueby Plumbing, Mr. Strueby wasn't related to them."

     "A-actually, my father owns The Alters Canada..." I mumble, looking down at Dusty.

     "Enough of this interrogation, come on in! As long as Dusty doesn't have long nails, she can come on, too!" Carissa greets, silencing her friends.

     I smile slightly and walk into the yard, following behind an eager Dusty. She barks and jumps at the trampoline.

     "Oh! You have a dog?" Lauren asks, interested.

     "Uh, yeah...she's an Australian Shepherd and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel mix. She's dog." I explain, hesitantly.

     "Oh, okay." Lauren replies, taking that into consideration. She doesn't seem to care that she's a support's refreshing, really.

     I remove my shoes and lift Dusty onto the trampoline. She immediately runs to Laiya and Lauren, wagging her tail excitedly. I giggle, lifting myself up as well. She soon turns to Carissa and her sisters and greets them, too. I join the weird circle and Dusty returns to me once more.

     "We were just playing a game where, uh, you say a word that fits the category-"

     "Which is currently anything." Laiya adds.

     "Yup, but the word has to start with the last letter of the word said before your turn." Carissa explains, pausing to see if I understand. I don't. "It...sounds more confusing than it is."

     "Yeah, I wanna start!" Laiya calls and Carissa nods. " chips!"

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