Chapter 6

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     It's the first day of school. So many things could go wrong. I could be made fun of. I could forget something. I could show up late. I-

     A high pitched yip pulls me out of my thoughts. I look down to see Dusty jumping onto my bed to join me. I smile and begin petting her. She always knows when to find me.

     "Should we go see if father's still here? I doubt it, but it's my first day at a new school, in a new town. He'll be here, right?" I ask Dusty. She just sits there, looking up at me.

     I stand and Dusty hopes off the bed and follows me. We head downstairs and, of course, his truck is gone.

     I grab 2 eggs and crack them into a cup. I then whisk them together with a fork and pour salt and pepper in. I grab a frying pan, spray it and set it on a burner, turning it on. I pour the egg mix in and turn to grab some bread, but Dusty stops me.

     "Oh, sorry, you want outside?" Right when I say 'outside', her tail starts wagging faster. "Okay, c'mon!" I open the back door and she bolts into the backyard.

     I shut the door and return to my scrambled eggs. I grab a spatula and start break them apart and flip the eggs. I throw 2 pieces of bread into the toaster and grab the peanut butter and strawberry jam. I wait a little until the eggs are done and slide them onto my plate. I grab a glass from the cupboard and fill it with milk. I grab my toast and make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

     I sit at the dinning room table and begin eating. Alone.

     My dad never used to be like that. Before Alters got big, he hung out with me. We would go to movies, shopping, everything! Whenever I was at his house, we made the most of it.
But now it's different.

     Now he's got a company to run. No time for his only daughter that he had to drag with him and away from anything she called normal. Why does Deline's life-my life, have to be so hard!

     I hear a loud bark from outside and remember Dusty. She probably wants back inside now. I do so and she bolts for a kitchen counter. I follow her and see what she's getting at.

     My pills.

     I almost forgot. Today would be a terrible day to forget. I grab my glass and swallow a pill then grab a cup of dog food. It's time for Dusty to eat, too.

     I finish getting ready for school. I pack my bag, 2 zipper binders with dividers, loose leaf, pencils and pens, a lunch and I get dressed. I unplug my phone and sit in the living room, scrolling through Instagram.

     Someone rings the door bell and I jump. Why would somebody be here? Who would be here? Dusty starts barking and I rush to grab the door. I scoop up Dusty and open the door. I'm greeted by a smiling brunette named Carissa.

     "Eh, Denise! I was wondering if you wanted a ride to school? I just saw your dad leave before and didn't know if anybody could drive you..." She says rather quickly, adjusting her bag.

     "Uh...sure, do you wanna step inside while I grab my stuff?" I step to the side and she walks in. Once she's out of the way, I shut the door and set Dusty down. "I'll be right back."

     I speed walk to the couch and grab my . I head back to the door and give Carissa a nervous smile.

     "Ya look nervous, there's really no reason." She consoles me. "We're goin' there pretty early and I'll be right beside you!"

     "Thanks, and my name's Deline, not Denise. You're getting there." I reply, making her blush from embarrassment.

     "Sorry, let's go!"

Universal LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora