Chapter 3 - Surprise

Start from the beginning

“It was amazing!” He said then sees my expression. “I mean... I missed you loads. How was school anyway?” He asks.

“Boring without you. The football team isn't doing that good. You better make the team next semester.” I tell him. “I can't believe I didn't know you were coming home.”

“Well we kept that secret pretty well, huh?” He smirks and I smile. I missed his blue eyes so much. “You don't understand how much I missed you, Soph.” He says and I smile.

“Stop, you're making me nervous.” I say, imitating WeeklyChris from vine. As I hoped, he laughs and I grin back at him.

“Seriously though, it isn't the same messaging. And being with just the boys kills me.” He pushes a hand through his dark hair and I bite my lip.

“Look!” I shout. I see little lights flitting past our faces in the evening light and realise they are fireflies.

“Quick get up.” I shout with glee. We used to do this all the time when we were younger. Chase the fireflies. Hayes grabs my hands and we jog around the grass, trying to catch the pretty lights that tease us. Soon I am out of breath so I collapse on the grass and stare up at the summer sky. Hayes flops down beside me and breathes out heavily.

“I missed Carolina so much.” He breathes. I smile to myself, to tired to reply. Soon my eyelids begin to get heavy and fatigue washes over me like an ocean wave. I fall asleep in the soft grass to the sounds of crickets chirping and Hayes' deep breathing.

“Sophie, Hayes dinner is ready!” Mom's shouts wake me up with a start. I sit bolt upright and realise what happened. Hayes is sitting by me, gazing at me.

“What?” I say, an eyebrow raised.


“How long was I asleep?”

“Not long; ten minutes maybe. You're cute when you sleep..” He says and then laughs when he sees my expression.

“That's code for 'you look like a pig' isn't it?” I joke as we get up and trail back into the house.

“There they are!” Nash call from the dinner table, his plate already full. “Hurry I wanna eat!” He goes back to conversing with Molly. Like, Hayes and I, they are best friends. They are both two grades above us and they are how our two families became so close. It started when Nash helped my sister up after a bully pushed her over when they were in, like, third grade. They have been besties ever since.

I slide into the seat beside Nash and Hayes sits opposite. We pile our plates with Mom's delicious food and, when the others get to the table, we dig in.

Soon enough we are all stuffed and once the table is clear Hayes, Molly, Nash and I go back outside.

“Trampoline?” I say and they all nod in unison. I clamber on with Molly and we start doing skills from cheerleading. My sister and I started cheerleading when I was seven and, when I turned twelve, we joined a competitive level five team. I throw a couple of whip doubles and layouts to impress the boys and soon their jaws have hit the floor.

“Woah Soph you need to teach me how to do that.” Nash says, grinning as he gets on the trampoline. He does a couple of forward rolls then gives up. “Nope I am not cut out for the cheerleading lifestyle.”

“One day Nash!” I laugh and go back to doing my flips.

Mom calls us in a bit later and tells us that Elizabeth is taking Skylynn home.

“She fell asleep in front of the tv. Bless her.” Mom says and look into the living room to see her knocked out on the sofa.

“Aww.” I say and go in and flick off the tv so mom doesn't have to.

“Oh Sophie, Elizabeth asked you to go baby sit next week.”

“But what about Hayes? Won't he be in? And Nash?”

“Well Nash has got some of his tour buddies coming here. But maybe Hayes wanted to spend a bit of time with you. You are best friends after all.”

“Yeah, won't Hayes go and meet with the guys from tour though?”

“I can always say you don't wan to you know!” Mom says.

“What no, I was just confused.”

“Stop asking so many questions then!” She says and boops my nose.

“We had better be off then!” Elizabeth appears beside us with a snoozing Sky in her arms.

“See you soon!” Mom calls as they walk down the drive. I give Nash and Hayes one last hug each. As I hug Hayes he whispers in my ear, “ Meet me soon.” I whisper back yes and then wave as he strolls down the driveway to the car. I press my nose up on the glass of the door, making a pig face and smile when I see him laugh at me. I turn to go back upstairs and see Dad coming down towards me.

“You look happy?” He says and I smile dreamily. When I reach my room I look out of the window and see him on the drive, waiting to get in the car. He turns round, sees me staring and winks, making my heart skip a beat...

More Than Friends - A Hayes Grier fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now