Chapter 32: The Fight

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Peter hurried down the stairs. TelePro hadn't been expecting him, and he had been so close to smashing that watch. But he'd woken up.

And now Peter was going to have to beat his ass.

Preferably without that gun.

The basement was still dark when Peter skidded to a stop at bottom of the stairs. TelePro had seemingly vanished.

Peter flicked the night vision in his suit on.

TelePro was crouched in the far corner, next to a gun safe, holding his pistol.


He had the gun.

But chances were he couldnt see Peter. Which gave him an opportunity.

Peter eased up onto the wall, carefully climbing up to where it met the ceiling and flattening himself against the roof. He had to be careful about this. Getting shot was not fun. Especially if it was fatal.

Peter crawled along the ceiling, inching closer and closer to TelePro. At every noise - caused by Peter or not - TelePro flinched, frantically scanning the darkness around him.

"I know you're down here, little bitch..." TelePro hissed.

Peter said nothing, just working closer.

TelePro, seemingly deciding he'd had enough, stood up. "I know you followed me down here!" He growled, squinting into the blackness. "Now isnt the time for hide and seek."

Peter positioned himself above TelePro's head.

TelePro cocked the gun. "Fine. I guess I'm seeking then."

Peter kicked TelePro in the back, causing him to misfire at the wall. "Found you!"

TelePro stumbled forward, and Peter seized his opportunity, jumping from where he was perched and knocking TelePro onto the ground fully. He still clutched onto the gun though, and Peter slipped back into the darkness. He was going to have to be stealthy about this-

Someone was clattering down the stairs.

TelePro picked himself back up, brandishing his gun at the stairwell.

Laurie and Lee came down the stairs and stopped at the landing, staring down the barrel of TelePro's gun.

"I wouldnt move if I was you." TelePro said.

"You didnt shoot him did you?" Laurie asked.

"Your Spider friend?" TelePro grinned. "Not yet. If he would stop hiding like a coward..."

Peter tucked himself behind an old dresser. If he could just give them an opening, they could run and hide.

Lee kicked TelePro in the groin.

TelePro doubled over and they disappeared into the basement. He still didnt drop the gun. Peter inched closer.

"You little shits." TelePro grumbled, righting himself.

Something shuffled to Peter's left.

Laurie and Lee were crouched between a fake Christmas tree and the wall. Laurie was looking at Peter intently, motioning her eyes to the left. Peter glanced left, and saw what she meant.

A mirror. And TelePro was looking right at his reflection.

Peter jumped forward, kicking TelePro in the stomach. TelePro got a hold on his costume though, and slammed him onto the cement ground, holding the gun to his head.

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