Chapter 4: This Might Be An Issue...

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Peter spun into the kitchen, swaying to the music May was playing. He couldn't understand whatever the guy was saying - he didn't speak Italian - but it was kind of a good song anyway. "What's this song?"

May pressed the waffle iron down. "E la vita, Marco Armani." She said. "Do you want blueberries in yours?"

Peter nodded, opening the fridge to grab the orange juice. He poured a glass for himself and May, setting her down next to her before he walked into the living room with his, flicking on the morning news.

"Hey, I've got a bone to pick with you mister." May called from the kitchen. "Why didnt you tell me you were having an open house?"

Peter leaned back into the couch. "Open house?"

"The Stark internship, you know, the open house. I saw it on their Twitter last night." May said. "You never tell me anything about that internship."

Probably because Peter wasn't actually an intern, but he couldn't tell May that! "Uh, it's not really a big deal, and I didn't want you to have to take off work." He covered.

"But I want to see what you've been doing!" May argued. "You're always getting back really late and running around and I never hear anything about it. It's not a big deal if I take off one day anyway, and I want to go!"

"You really don't have to May-"

"No, it's something you care about and I want to support you, I'm going." She said with an air of finality. "Your waffles are done."

Peter closed his eyes, breathing in deeply. This was fine. He would just... call Mr. Stark later. Explain the situation. He would have a solution. He always had a solution.


"I don't know what to tell you kid."

"But Mr. Stark-!" Peter groaned into his phone. "I cant have her finding out that I don't actually, like, formally, intern there! This is my cover we're talking about!"

Something rustled on the other end of the line. "Then maybe you should have thought about it a little more carefully before you decided to go with a fake internship." Stark said.

"You're supposed to be helping me." Peter pleaded.

"And you're always talking about how grown up and capable you are." Stark countered. "I suggest you figure something out before-

"Please, Mr. Stark, can I just have an internship for the week of the open house." Peter said. "I'll only be there for a week, and then I promise, for the rest of the summer, you'll never hear from me again. I'll even stop bothering Happy-"

"Tell you what kid." Stark interrupted. "I'll give you an internship."

Peter felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. "Thank you so much Mr. Stark, I really appreciate-"

"For the whole summer."

"Wait- the whole...?" Peter said. "But, I've got to be out in the city, stopping crime. I can't do both."

"Well, you got yourself into this mess." Stark said. "And I'm sure the cops can handle one summer without you. Plus, it's not like you'll be spending all hours of the day here, it's only 10-5. There's still plenty of time for you to be out and about stopping crime and eating churros and whatnot."

Peter sighed. "Yeah... Thank's Mr. Stark."

"Don't mention it kid." Stark said. "I'm sure this'll be a piece of cake for you anyway- you're really only helping the staff and designing some kind of project for the open house."

"That sounds manageable I guess." Peter said.

"And I'll be sure to look out for your Aunt at the open house; thanks for giving me a heads up."

Peter groaned. "Stop."

"Hey, I'm just playing." Stark chuckled. "Anyways, I've got to jet, but I'll talk to you again soon, alright kid?"

"Yeah." Peter said. "Bye Mr. Stark."

Peter hung up the phone, tossing it down on his bed before flopping down in his desk chair. The whole summer. So much for being able to devote his entire existence to being Spider-Man.  And Ned had wanted his help in assembling the Lego Hogwarts Castle too.

Hopefully it wouldn't be terrible. And he could always put it on his college applications.

SUMMER JOB || Peter Parker X ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin