Chapter 17: Following Through

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You were waiting in Lees car, a 2008 Volkswagen Passat wagon that suspiciously smelled like weed and takeout. You weren't going to ask about it though. You wouldn't have taken him for a stoner when you first met, but... at least now you knew where he and Laurie would sneak off to sometimes.

"You texted him, right?" Laurie asked, twisting around in the passenger seat to look at you in the semi darkness.

"He said he'd be here soon." You replied.

Peter better have hurried up and get here soon, or Laurie was likely to leave without him, and you didn't want to break into the Stark building on your own.

You were breaking in tonight to steal whatever you could surrounding your open house project. Blueprints, machinery... you wouldn't know what you would need to try and track TelePro. You did know you would need Peters help though- both as Spider-Man and Peter.

Laurie hasn't been thrilled about you texting him- she was more concerned about keeping this under wraps and away from any adults that might try to stop her, and therefore as little people involved as possible- but grudgingly agreed that he could be useful.

Lee rolled down his window. "Over here Parker. Left side, hop in."

Peter slid in to the other seat in the back, next to you. Immediately his nose curled. "What's that smell?"

Lee rolled his eyes. "Oh, your welcome Peter, I'm glad you're coming along and are being appreciative of me giving everyone a ride and not insulting my car."

"Sorry." Peter said, buckling up. "I just didn't know you smoked."

Lee shifted into drive. "It's whatever."

You started down the road. Laurie plugged her phone into the radio and started playing some music (mostly early 2000s pop punk hits, but what we're you expecting from her, really?).

You reached over, grabbing Peters hand on the seat and lacing your fingers together with his. He glanced over at you.

"Thanks." You whispered.

Peter said nothing.

The car ride was rather short, and the parking garage near the Stark building was empty at this time of night. Lee parked close to the exit and stopped the car.

"Alright nerds." Laurie said, twisting around to look at you and Peter. "What are we grabbing?"

You glanced at Peter. "Whatever we can, I guess. I still have no idea what we'll need to track him."

"We should probably grab some extra parts too, in case we need to repair or build anything." Peter said.

"And you know where to find that?" Laurie asked.

Peter nodded.

"Great." She said. "I'll go with Pete to get the new stuff, and Y/N and Lee can find Ben and salvage that."

You looked at Lee. He was putting his hair up in its usual bun, using the rear view mirror for reference.

"Try not to get caught, I guess." Laurie said. "There's spray paint in the trunk for cameras and stuff if you want it, uh... if you do get caught, don't rat the rest of us out."

"Sounds good." Lee said, tying off his hair. "Let's roll."


The building was eerily empty and calm at night. You and Lee were making your way towards the mezzanine, the last place you had seen your project. Peter and Laurie has left you a while ago, heading to the basement to find the spare parts room.

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