Chapter 29: Apologies

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The Brownstone was quiet when you got there, and all the lights were off. Lee was in his car, ready to run at the first sign of trouble and Peter was perched above Laurie's second floor window, slowly opening it.

You had finally settled on eating the leftover Chinese for lunch - even Lee had grudgingly eaten some - and formulated a plan.

It was pretty simple in design - you would ransack the Brownstone for anything you needed, and then head out to the address you had found using the radar again.

From there, Peter would suit up, and the rest of you would grab the weapons that were still in Lee's trunk and slip on some dark clothes. Laurie and Lee and yourself would sneak in the cellar doors while Peter broke into the upper floor through a window.

Hopefully this time TelePro would be there.

It was a little strange that the new address was residential, but hopefully that meant that it would be easier to get in and out.

"This is so weird." Laurie said. "Like, he just sticks to the wall."

"Yeah." You agreed.

"Man..." Laurie grinned. "My cousin is dating Spider-Man. That's wack."

You spluttered. "I'm not- we're not, dating."

Laurie rolled her eyes. "Okay. You didn't just spend a night at his house when you were sad or anything. That's totally not couple-y at all."

Peter jumped down from the window. "Who's going up first?"

"Me." Laurie said. "I'm going to try and grab the laptop from the basement, so I might come back out the front door."

"Okay." Peter crouched down, letting Laurie climb onto his back like he was giving her a piggy back ride. He scaled the wall again, helping her into the window. You watched the muscles in his arms contract... he should wear tee shirts more often.

Once Laurie was inside, he scurried back down the wall. "Cmon."

You hurried over, letting him pick you up just like Laurie. You held on tightly, not wanting to slip off halfway up the wall.

"Im going to wait here, okay?" Peter said. "Laurie said to grab her knife and some dark clothes."

"Okay." You said, climbing into the window. "I'll be quick as I can."

Peter nodded, lifting himself up to sit above the window where he couldn't be seen.

You turned to the room, digging out Laurie's knife from where you had hid it from your mother (and grabbed her baggies of weed as well, knowing she might want it). Clothes came next, grabbing as much black as you could find (Laurie's closet was easy game for that).

Something creaked in the hallway.

You froze, slipping into the closet and hoping you blended in, or that whoever it was was too sleepy to see you.

Your mother trudged past the doorway, looking like a truck had hit her.

You felt a little pang in your chest - you could imagine her waiting downstairs for you to come home.

No, this was not the time for sentiments.

When you were sure she was gone, you went back to taking what you would need - more black clothes, the laptop charger and the car adapter in case you needed to charge it in the car.


Laurie stepped into the room, holding a tote bag. You started loading the stuff into the bag, which was already kind of full with Laurie's finds.

Laurie picked up the baggie of weed, grinning at you. "Smart." She said, putting it in the tote.

"Figure you might want it." You said.

"You figured right." Laurie said.

Once the bag was full, Laurie tied the straps off, going to the window. She handed it to Peter. "Bring that down to the car and then come back up."

Peter nodded, climbing down the house again.


You and Laurie froze at the same time, turning to see Uncle Tommy in the door.

"This is a dream." Laurie tried. "You miss me so much you imagined me here."

Uncle Tommy narrowed his eyes. "I'm not going to fall for that twice."

Laurie sighed. "We're not staying."

"I figured." Uncle Tommy said, coming into the room and easing the door shut behind him. "Not that I would ask you to... after that debacle."

You relaxed. He wasn't going to get your mother.

"Um... you don't have to tell me where you're going. But I just want you to be safe." He said. "And... hug?"

Laurie smiled, hugging her dad. "I'm sorry she yelled at you."

"I'm sorry you felt like you had to leave." He said. "It's our goddamn house. You shouldn't have to leave. Y/N, get over here too."

Uncle Tommy held an arm out, allowing you to slip into the hug. You let yourself get wrapped up in the warm feeling, finally unwinding a little from the stress of the screaming match you'd walked in on.

Uncle Tommy was okay. Things were okay.

"I'm sorry I yelled at your mom." Uncle Tommy said. "You're so lucky you don't have any siblings."

"Mmm." You hummed.

"Okay." Laurie said, pulling away. "We've got to go. But thanks dad."

Uncle Tommy dropped the hug. "Be safe okay? I'll see you..?"

"Tomorrow." Laurie said.

"Tomorrow." Uncle Tommy repeated. "Okay."

He went to leave, resting a hand on the doorknob. "Goodnight guys."

"Night." Laurie said.

"Night Uncle Tommy." You smiled.

He smiled at both of you before leaving, making sure to close the door behind him.

Laurie exhaled heavily. "Okay. Let's go. You first."

"You okay?" You asked.

"Yeah." She said. "I'm good. Now get over there, we've got to roll."

You made your way over to the window, leaning out partially. Peter was perched above it again; he must have snuck back up while Uncle Tommy was in the room.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Uh... sure." You said.

Peter quickly attached a web to the front of your shirt. "Okay, jump out."

You took a breath, and jumped out the window.  At first the fall was fast, but the web caught a few seconds in and lowered you gently onto the ground.

You detached the web, your heart beating like crazy. Jumping out a window kind of did that to a person though.

Laurie touched ground soon after you, not even fazed. "Cmon it's already 8:30." She said, starting to the car.

Peter landed on your other side. "She's like a woman possessed." He joked.

"Well, this is kind of a big deal." You said, starting after her. "I mean, you do this all the time, but this is our first rodeo."

Peter grinned. "You get the hang of it pretty fast."

"I'm sure." You said, reaching down and grabbing his hand.

God knows you were going to need it tonight.

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