Chapter 3: The Start of Something Special

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Tony Stark lead the interns through the building, all two hundred and fifty of them. He commanded their and you attention effortlessly, keeping the tour enjoyable with his wit but also giving you more information about this building than you could ever know what to do with. And by the look on everyone else's faces, they were in the same boat.

At first, it had felt strange, being in the same room with one of the faces you always saw in the tabloids and the news, and someone that you had looked up to for years. But after listening to the hour and a half long speech and going through the slideshow about the internship and what it would entail, you had gotten over that... mostly.

The internship would be a mixture of hands on classes and assisting the technicians and scientists each intern would be assigned to - you would be receiving an email later that night giving you the names and lab numbers your mentors would be in. What really excited you though, was the opportunity to do something innovative and creative on your own. Each summer, Stark Industries would have an open house, and the interns would be allowed to submit their own projects to be displayed. And displaying something at a Stark Open house meant that thousands, maybe hundred of thousands of people would see it.

"And on your right here, we have the testing room. Self explanatory, I think." Stark said. He gestured to the right, where a glass wall separated the hallway from the lab.

Theo, next to you, got up on his toes to see over the crowds heads.

The room was full of scientific equipment and people, all gathered around an enclosed space. One man put on some thick rubber gloves, reaching into the box with a pair of tweezers. A second later, a bright light flashed.

"Right now they're testing the reactivity of certain isotopes of vibranium to be used in our next big project." Stark said, starting off down the hallway again. "I invented that you know. Technically anyway."

"This is crazy." Theo whispered.

"You've said that a lot today." You said.

"I know." He smiled sheepishly. "I just cant believe I'm actually here. Like, just a week ago I was in Missoula Montana, where nothing ever happens, and now I'm in New York City, at Stark Industries, where I will be spending the foreseeable future getting to do all sorts of cool science stuff."

You grinned. "Yeah I know the feeling."

"And I think that ends the tour." Stark said, stopping at the end of the hall with all the elevators. "As I said earlier today, you'll be receiving your mentors names and where they usually are in your email tonight, and be prepared to jump right into work tomorrow. We're so excited you all are here, so we expect you to make the most of it, alright?" He raised his eyebrows at the crowd of kids.

A murmured assault of 'yes's and 'yessir's came from the gathered group. You nodded. You really hadn't expected any different, you had even expected to jump right into the work today.

Stark gave a final wave before disappearing into one of the elevators, no doubt headed back up into his own personal lab. Not a moment after, the students began to disperse as well, crowding the elevators or charging up the stairs.

Theo grabbed your arm. "Hey can I have your number? That way we can see if we got the same mentor or maybe hang out outside of this or something."

"Oh, sure." You said, pulling out your phone. You hadnt expected to make a friend so fast, but it was a pleasant surprise. And from what you had seen of Theo today, he seemed like a generally nice guy. You handed your phone to him, and took his that he handed you, tapping your number into it.

When you got your phone back, you glanced at the screen. "Really?" You said. "The geek emoji?"

"At least I was creative and put something." He countered. "But hey, I've got to get up there so I can catch the train back, so I'll text you later, yeah?"

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