Chapter 25: Mother Knows Best

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You rolled over in bed, trying to ignore the argument you could hear going on downstairs and go back to sleep. It was 6 in the morning, now was not the time.

After the initial shock and surprise of seeing your mother walk into Uncle Tommy's living room unannounced, she had explained she had seen the second attack on the news and since you had insisted on staying in New York, she was just going to come up instead.

And she would be here for the rest of the summer.

You didn't know what this was going to mean for the plan, or the rest of your summer. Now more than ever, you missed the internship and the simple fun of hanging out with Theo and Peter, going to Laurie's concerts and eating ice cream for dinner with Uncle Tommy.

Not to say that you didn't want your mother to be there though. Well, maybe a little bit. Your mother was... certainly something.

You heard Laurie get out of bed grumbling. She quickly left the room, closing the door not so quietly behind her.

You got up as well, deciding that if she was going down there, you would too.

As you traveled down the stairs, you could make out more and more of the argument.

"... everything is all over the place..."

"... I don't scrutinize your home-"

"Well, my home doesn't look like a tornado-"

Laurie slipped into the kitchen unnoticed, and you followed.

"Morning." She said, grabbing the box of pop tarts.

"Morning." You shot back.

"Tom, this isn't a healthy way of living."

"You mean it's not your way of living." Uncle Tommy corrected. "Christine-"

"Let's not, right now." Your mother said. "I'm going to make breakfast for- oh, morning girls."

Laurie's pop tart jumped out of the toaster. She smiled thinly at your mother. "Morning."

You put your pop tart in, pushing down the lever on the toaster. "Morning mom."

"Morning honey." She said, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

Uncle Tommy walked into the kitchen, obviously trying not to look pissed off in front of everyone. He grabbed the box of pop tarts, peering inside. "You guys ate the whole box!" He sighed.

Your mother wrinkled her nose. "You don't actually eat those do you? Do you know how many calories-"

"I thought we weren't going to do this right now." Uncle Tommy said, tossing the empty box and reaching up into the cabinets to grab some cereal instead.

Your mother exhaled, smoothing out her shirt.

"Hey, Y/N and I are going to Peters today." Laurie said, finishing off her breakfast.

"Okay, that's-" Uncle Tommy began.

"Who's Peter?" Your mother interrupted.

"Uh, one of my friends from the internship." You said. "He's... nice."

"And you guys just walk to places?" Your mother pressed. "How far away does he live? He doesn't live in a bad neighborhood, does he?"

"Sometimes we take the train, and he only lives in Queens." Laurie said. "I'm going to go get dressed." She disappeared back up the stairs.

"Queens is a bit far, don't you think?" Your mother asked.

"Not really." Uncle Tommy grumbled.

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