Chapter 11: The Expert Himself

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The open house was in full swing when Uncle Tommy and Laurie arrived. She had apparently found her MCR tank because she was wearing when the walked up to your table. Lee has also tagged along, looking mildly at the displays in the area.

"So this is Ben, huh?" Uncle Tommy asked, peering over the table.

"Uh, yes, this is Ben." Theo greeted. "I'm assuming you're Y/N's Uncle?"

"Tommy." Uncle Tommy said.

Laurie stepped up to the table as well. "Laurie. You're Theo, right?"

"Yeah, and sorry I couldn't come to your show that night; Y/N said you were really good." He said, looking behind Laurie at Lee. "You're the drummer, right?"

"I also play the role of boyfriend." Lee said. "I'm Lee."

"Wonderful to meet you all." Theo said. "I'm sure you'll want to see Ben in action..."

That was your cue to fire up the machine again. As soon as you did, the magnets buzzing caught the attention of everyone in the general vicinity. This had been happening all day, and needless to say, your booth had attracted a lot of attention. So much so that the other interns were starting to shoot nasty glares at you whenever Ben started buzzing.

The thin sheen spread between the magnets again, and you gave Peter the thumbs up to toss one of the tennis balls through. He threw it into the wall and it disappeared.

Theo pointed to the receiving platform, and the crowd turned their collective gaze over there. The tennis ball dropped back into existence and bounced off the platform.

The crowd burst into applause and Theo took a bow. "And that, ladies, gentlemen and those of us who know better, was teleportation at its finest." He said.

You made to turn the machine off, but Laurie grabbed your hand. "Can I throw one in?" She asked.

You glanced back at Peter, who shrugged.

"Go for it." You said. Laurie grabbed a tennis ball from the bucket excitedly, going to stand where Peter was and tossing it into the bubble. The ball reappeared over the platform again.

"This is so sick- Lee, cmere." Laurie said. Lee sauntered over, standing behind her.

"Hey-" Theo rapped your shoulder. "Can you handle the table while I take this call?"

"Oh- sure." You set the laptop down, turning your attention to the table as Theo walked off to find somewhere private to take that call. You assumed it was probably his grandmother, since he had said she had some sort of appointment today.

People were crowded around the table, looking over blueprints and papers, some of them breezing through the phamplet for the internship as well.

"You're one of the people who built this?" A man asked.

"Uh, yes." You responded.

"What's it made out of?" He continued.

"We have all of our materials and procedures listed here," You gestured to one of the packets on the table. "And you can actually take one if you want."

The man did pick one up, thumbing through the pages. A woman called your attention, asking if her son could go toss a ball through, to which you glanced back at Peter again. He said yes, and soon there was a line forming in front of Ben and Peter was standing near the platform, catching tennis balls as they came through.

The crowd eventually thinned, but Uncle Tommy, Laurie and Lee stayed, Laurie still playing around with the tennis balls.

"I can't believe you did this." Uncle Tommy said. "Go stand with Laurie, I'll send a picture to your mother."

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