Chapter 14: Trouble Still Comes

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You woke up to the sound of Laurie dry-heaving onto the bedroom floor.

The paramedics had brought Uncle Tommy home that night, and he was all settled in for the moment, sound asleep. Lee had gone home a while later, and after another hour of blankly watching Brooklyn-99 you'd convinced Laurie to come to bed.

Only now, it seemed she had other plans.

You stumbled out of bed, drearily kneeling down next to her, placing a hand on her back. "Hey, you good?"

"Yeah." Laurie gasped, sitting up and wiping at her face. "There's nothing in me to throw up anyway."

"What happened?" You asked, rubbing her back.

Laurie paused, wiping her nose. "Nightmare."


It had only been two days since the open house, and Laurie has maybe slept eight hours in total. It was obviously understandable, and you'd been having your fair share of nightmares yourself, but at some point exhaustion and emotional stress had won over and you were too tired to keep waking up in the night. Apparently Laurie couldn't say the same.

"Do you want a glass of water or something?" You asked.

"No, I'm okay... really." Laurie said. "It was just a dream."

"You sure?" You asked.

Laurie sniffled. "God-" Her voice broke. "No." She collapsed into you, burying her face in your shoulder.

"Hey, you're okay." You soothed, hugging her tightly. "We're okay."

"I know, it's just- he's still out there. They didn't get him." Laurie said.

"I'm sure the police is on it." You said, raking your brain for anything else to say. "I'll put in a word with Spider-Man too if it makes you feel better."

Laurie laughed. "I'd appreciate that."

You let her sit, just feeling her rapid heartbeat and heavy breaths against you. You felt awful. Not only because someone you cared for was upset, but also because there was still that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that this was your fault. You had built the teleportation device.

"Hey, we could call Lee if you want." You offered. "I'm sure he would pick up."

"No," Laurie sniffled. "Let him sleep, he needs it. I'll be okay in a few minutes. I just need to catch my breath."

"You sure?"

Laurie nodded again. "Yeah." She said, pulling herself up off the ground. "Can you just make sure Dad didn't wake up?"

You nodded, padding over to the door and peering out. Uncle Tommy's light in his room was still off, and you didn't hear any movement.

"I think he's still out." You said, turning back.

Laurie nodded, sliding back into bed. "Okay. I'm gonna try and get back to bed."

"Okay." You said, going back to your own bed. "Just... if you need anything I'm right over here."

Laurie shuffled under the sheets. "I know." She paused. "Thanks."

You rolled over to your side. "Of course."

The conversation ended there, but you stayed awake for a few minutes until Laurie's breathing evened out and she went to sleep. You rolled over, now focused on falling asleep yourself, only to find you couldn't.

You sighed, burrowing into the blankets. Your thoughts drifted back to Peter, as they had been for a while. Peter... Spider-Man...


Peter settled down on the edge of the roof, leaning back on his hands. He pulled his mask off, breathing in deeply. The night air was fresh and cool and calmed him down from running around.

He sighed scanning over the city skyline. TelePro was still out there, but he obviously wasn't in the city. Peter had looked.

He just wanted to catch this guy. It felt like a personal offense, him coming right into the open house and attacking people Peter knew personally.

Mr. Stark... Y/Ns uncle that bought him a burger and he called a human Labrador puppy. Both of them.

And that they had spent so much time on that project. Wasted.

Peters phone buzzed. Ned

hey man movie night?

Peter texted back quickly.

nah man not tonight I'm out

He shoved his phone back in his pocket, leaning forward to watch his feet dangle off the edge of the building. He hoped Y/Ns cousin was okay... she had seemed pretty beat up- well, anyone would be after watching their dad get shot.

Peter knew he had been when Uncle Ben died.

That was just another reason he had to catch this guy. TelePro was a maniac. And Peter knew what it was like to lose somebody.

He didn't want anyone to experience that if he could help it.

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