Chapter 15: Hard To Handle

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Stark Industries would be closed for two weeks to allow for cleanup, repair and some time off for everyone involved in the attack.

That meant no internship, obviously. Melanie had given you her number over email and told you that if you needed anything, you could always contact her.

Your mother had been adamant about bringing you home, but you convinced her to let you stay in New York; if only to help Uncle Tommy recover and with the promise that the internship was closed for a while. You were grateful; you wouldn't feel alright leaving in the midst of everything.

You saw less of Theo and he stopped texting as much. You felt bad, but gave him his space. Everyone had different ways of coping with trauma. You just hoped he was okay.

Lee ended up staying at the Brownstone with the rest of you, either sleeping on the couch or cuddling up with Laurie when she had nightmares. Uncle Tommy was grateful, he was an anchor for Laurie and a great help.

You say more of Peter and May too, May would drop off baked goods whenever she could, and Peter ended up hanging around the house during the day, just keeping you company and helping when it was needed. You were beyond appreciative - especially knowing that he had other responsibilities as Spider-Man.

So appreciative, that you gave him an extra scoop of ice cream in his bowl.

You carried the tray out into the living room, setting it down on the coffee table. Five bowls sat on it, each one with a healthy helping of French Vanilla ice cream, a heavy drizzle of chocolate syrup, and a cookie stuck in the mix for good measure. Tonight was a cause of celebration, after all.

Uncle Tommy was allowed to come downstairs.

The doctors had said no strenuous motion for a week, and Laurie had made sure her father stuck to the rule; meaning he had been stuck on the second floor for a while, having his meals brought up to him and just staying in his room. But now that that week was over, he could make his way back into the living room.

Laurie was perched on the couch, anxiously glancing at the stairs every few seconds.

"He's fine." You assured her, plopping down in the armchair on the other side of the room. "If they needed any help, I'm sure they would ask."

"Oh- hey! Watch that, that's a signed record!" You heard Uncle Tommy warn.

Lee grumbled something you couldn't make out and came down the stairs carrying two crutches. He propped them up against the wall and took his place at the bottom of the stairs.

You heard the tell tale thump of feet on the stairs, moving slowly. Laurie sprung up from her seat, going over to stand by Lee. You joined them, looking up into the stairwell.

Uncle Tommy was making his way down the stairs, one arm gripping the banister, the other wrapped around Peter's forearm for support. It was clumsy with only one leg in action, but he was managing.

"Clear the way!" He said, reaching the bottom. Lee quickly handed him his crutches, and Uncle Tommy slipped them under his arms. "We made it!"

A little round of applause broke out, and Uncle Tommy took a mocking bow. Over his head, you mouthed 'thank you' to Peter, still on the stairs. Peter smiled, shrugging as if to say it wasn't a problem.

"Ice cream, anybody?" You asked, going to scoop up your tray.

Laurie guided her dad over to the couch, situating him so that he could rest his leg on the ottoman nearby. She and Lee shared the rest of the space on the sofa, and Peter settled in the armchair. You handed each of them a bowl and a spoon, at the end setting the empty tray back on the coffee table and situating yourself on the arm of the armchair, next to Peter.

"Delicious." Uncle Tommy said. "Thank you Y/N."

"Well, I had to." You said. "What better way to have you come back to the living room as a wounded veteran?"

Uncle Tommy nodded, laughing. "It feels like I haven't been down here in years."

Someone knocked at the door.

"I got it." Laurie handed her bowl to Lee, getting up to walk into the foyer.

"It's probably just Amazon." Uncle Tommy said. "I'm supposed to be getting a shipment from Barnes and Noble soon."

"What books?" Lee asked.

Uncle Tommy shrugged. "Anything that looked interesting. I figured since I'm going to be recovering for a while, I might as well get some."

"So you do like books." Peter said. "Can I ask a weird question?"

"Uh, sure, I guess." Uncle Tommy said.

"Is Laurie named after the character from Little Women?" Peter asked.

You choked on some of your ice cream. "Peter, you still want to know that?"

Uncle Tommy laughed. "Well-"

"May's here!" Laurie walked back into the living room, May in tow and carrying a container full of brownies.

"Oh, you're downstairs!" She exclaimed, setting the brownies down to hug Uncle Tommy. "Did you get down okay?"

"Perfectly fine, thanks to your nephew." Uncle Tommy said. "Have a seat somewhere, join the party." Peter got up from the chair, offering it to May instead, who sat down.

"I'll go make you a dish." You head, sliding off the arm and heading to the kitchen. You set your bowl down on the counter, spooning some more ice cream into your mouth before you got to work.

You could hear snippets of the conversation from the kitchen. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and Uncle Tommy was in great spirits. Hearing everyone talk, you could almost pretend that none of this had ever happened in the first place.

"Hey, could I get a glass of water?" Peter walked into the kitchen.

"Sure thing." You said, grabbing a glass from the cabinet above you. You filled it with cool water, turning around to put it on the counter for him to grab. "Thank you, by the way."

"It's not a big deal." Peter shrugged. "I just didn't want him to fall down the stairs."

"No, for just... being here, I guess." You clarified, looking him in the eye. "Obviously this has been rough for everyone, but I really appreciate that you're spending so much time here. Especially when you could be spending that time doing... other things."

Peter looked down at the glass of water between you, scratching at the back of his neck. "It's the least I could do to help. I haven't been able to find the guy."

You glanced down at his hands. "We'll figure it out." You said. "He has to be somewhere."

"Right." Peter said. "Um, actually, before the attack, I was going to ask if you-"

"Y/N, hurry up, it's going to melt!" Uncle Tommy called. "It doesn't take that long to scoop some ice cream and get some water."

"Ah, right." You said, scooping up yours and May's ice cream and spinning out of the kitchen.

Peter sighed, sipping at his water that he didn't even really want. He had just wanted to be alone with you for a minute to finally ask you... maybe the universe just didn't want it to be. You would have to go back to Colorado eventually anyway, and then where would he be? He would just settle for holding you hand when he could... at least for now.

"Pete, you coming?" Laurie called.

"Yup." Peter said, grabbing his water and heading back into the living room.

He was fine for now.

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